Page 124 - Microsoft Word - Annual Report 2016
P. 124


                   The  Board  of  Commissioners  of  Trust  Funds  consists  of  three  commissioners  who  meet,  as
                   needed,  to  review  requests  for  grants  and  scholarships  from  several  trust  funds.  Long-time
                   commissioner,  Anthony  DiNanno,  chose  not  to  seek  re-election  in  2016.  The  Board  members
                   wish to express their sincere appreciation to Commissioner Anthony DiNanno for his 16 years of
                   service  to  the  Town.  The  Board  of  Commissioners  of  Trust  Funds  welcomed  Bankson  “Ted”
                   Riter, who was elected to the Board in May.
                   Funds and/or grants disbursed this year totaled $13,100:

                   Fund 8412: Perley Parkhurst Cole Memorial Trust Fund: $12,100
                   Awarded to:                                Scholarship/Grant Award Amount:
                   Masconomet Scholarship Foundation          $2,000 (to be awarded as two $1,000
                   20 Endicott Road                           scholarships)
                   Boxford, MA 01921
                   Attn: Olga Langlois

                   Cub Scout Pack 35                          $2,000
                   c/o Leonard F. Wisniewski, PhD, Leader
                   60 Gregory Island Road
                   South Hamilton, MA 01982

                   Conor Fowler                               $1,500
                   12 Prince Street, Apt. 2
                   Cambridge, MA 02139

                   Andrew Fiore                               $1,500
                   10 Titus Lane
                   Boxford, MA 01921

                   Aidan Fowler                               $1,500
                   2 King George Drive
                   Boxford, MA 01921

                   Boxford Athletic Association               $2,000
                   PO Box 100
                   Boxford, MA 01921

                   Boy Scout Troop 51                         $1,600
                   c/o Frank Quackenbush, Leader
                   13 Cross Road
                   Boxford, MA 01921
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