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16  LIFE-STYLE                                                                                                                                   17

 S  Channel Launching

                                                                                      A day trip to

                                                                                      Koh Kret

 n Tuesday, September 4, 2018 at the 4th floor at Stamford, the
 Communication  Arts  Students  of  class  MAS480/ADV498
 O(Special  Project)  organized  “The  S  Channel  Launching
 Event”. The “S Channel” or “Stamford Channel” is the platform for   angkok is honestly a wonderful city. With tem-
                                                               angkok Is honestly a wonderful city, because expect
 the university to share all our students achievements and success   Bshopping malls and foods it can surprise you with
                                                               ples,  underground  markets,  sky  trains, street
 stories from all different majors. For the Communication Arts De-  Bmarkets, boats, all of those big mega malls, the
                                                        the  places  inside  and  places  around.  Maybe  that  is  why
                                                         nightlife, and exotic food, the city can surprise and at-
 partment, we always had a vision to create our own channel where   Bangkok is a very touristic city and can attract people from
                                                         tract people from all around the world with different
 students would have a platform to disseminate their work and the   all  around  the  world  with  different  cultures  and  different
                                                         cultures and different tastes
 public would be able to see what our students are doing everyday.   tastes.  Temples,  underground  markets,  sky  trains,  street
                                                          But these attractions are not the only options that make
 The first program for the S Channel, “ACTION!” will be broadcast-  markets, boats, river, all of those big mega malls, night life,
                                                        see Bangkok is very amazing and can entertain everyone in
                                                         this bustling city so alluring.
 ing on Communication Arts social media outlets such as YouTube,   everywhere of it. But these are not the only options to make
                                                         Tucked away to the north of Bangkok is a small island
 Facebook, and Instagram. The objective and the concept for the show   this mega city very interesting and specific there is also one
                                                         in the Chao Phraya River called Koh Kret. An island in
 is to be educational, entertaining, professional, and modern, which   more thing that can make Bangkok very interesting and that
                                                         the city? Yes, and Koh Kret is one of the most relaxing
 are targeting at Stamford International University students and the   is an island in Bangkok or we can say around it. There is an
                                                         places you can find so close to where you live.
 University community in Thailand.                      island in a city is not interesting to have an island in a city?
                                                         Actually, Koh Kret is located in the Pak Kret District
                                                        Koh kret is the name of that small island one of the most
                                                         of Nonthanaburi. So how to get to this tiny island? To
                                                        relax able places around Bangkok.
 etworking                                                the chao phraya river which is called Koh Kret. Actually
                                                         you can use vans or even cabs to Nonthanaburi, but the
                                                               In the north of Bangkok there is a small island in
                                                         fastest and cheapest way to get to Koh Kret is to first use
                                                         the MRT. There is a new MRT station in Nonthanaburi.
                                                        Koh kret is located in the Nonthanaburi a province around
 Night                                                  this tiney island? To get there you can use vans or even cabs
                                                         Then you can use a bus or cab to get to the river.
                                                        Bangkok in continue of chao phriya river. But how to get to
                                                         To get there by cab or bus  depends on your location
                                                        to Nonthanaburi, but the best way to get to koh kret is about
                                                         and traffic, but from downtown to Nonthanaburi is
                                                        to use MRT. There is a new MRT station in Nonthanaburi
                                                         about 19 kilometers.  By cab you will have a 40 minute
                                                        which  is  faster  and  can  be  cheaper  than  vans  or  cabs.
                                                         trip, and about an hour by bus. Much cheaper, but by
                                                        First you need to get there by MRT and then get off at the
                                                         far the MRT connection is your best bet.
    Stamford Students were invited to  who attended the Networking Night.   Nonthanaburi MRT station and then you can use bus or cab
                                                         Now you just jump on one of the boats, which only cost
 join the “Networking Night” event; held by  This  was  a  great  chance  to  get  an   to get to the river and then you need to use the boats which
                                                         about 10 baht for the 5 minute trip to cross the river to
 the career hub on the 29th of August, 2018  insight of the professional world   is coast about 10 baht to go across the river to koh kret in 5
                                                         Koh Kret. On that tiny island, two main temples grab
 at  the  Sheraton  Grande  Sukhumvit.  This  and how to approach and make con-  minutes. Inside that tiny island there is two main temple first
                                                         your attention. The first one is all white, and the second
 event is a tool and an opportunity to meet  nections with many employers eas-  one is the white one and the second one is the huge temple
                                                         temple is larger with a huge golden Buddha in front
 professionals and employers from 30+  ily enhancing great public relations   with a huge golden Buddha in front of it. To check and visit
                                                         of it. To visit these temples are just two of the attrac-
 different companies and 60 employers. It  traits that are some of the qualities of   these temples is just one the attraction for this interesting
                                                         tions here. You can also find many handmade products
 initially enhances introducing students  a successful future business employ-  island because you can find many handmade products in this
                                                         made by local people such as dolls, combs, perfumes
 to the business world, having them make  ee/entrepreneur.  island which made by local people to sell them to visitors. If
 connections and network which might re-                you walk around this tiny island you can see food and drinks,
                                                         and much more.
 sult in great future internship and job op-            river view restaurants and big and small handmade things
                                                         When you walk around this tiny island, you will see riv-
 portunities. As Stamford usually specifies,            from dolls, combs till perfumes and many more things. Also
                                                         er view restaurants, flower gardens and and even places
 both Alumni and Post-Graduate students                 there are more activities to do in this island, you can go for
                                                         for fishing. For 100 baht, there is a biking tour around
 were invited to join. The event begins with            fishing or you can visit the flower garden and something
                                                         Koh Kret. You need to be aware of that by 6 o’clock,
 a welcoming speech by Stamford Univer-                 very interesting there is a biking tour around koh kret. With
                                                         everything will close. Local people will go back to their
 sity’s president, Dr. Andrew David Leslie              100 baht you can join to this tour about an hour but you need
                                                         houses, and there will be no more boats to cross the
 Scown  followed  by  a  “breaking  the  ice”           to be aware of that by 6 o’clock when the sun is going down
                                                         river!  So the best time to visit Koh Kret and do some
 activity. The students then were given the             everything will be close in koh kret local people will back
                                                         activities is from 10 in the morning to around 5 pm. So
 chance to start networking until the event             to their houses and there will be no more boats to back and
 is concluded by the CEO Timothy A. Bu-                 across the river so the best time to visit koh kret and do some
                                                         treat yourself to a day on that island-in-the -city soon!
 low’s Speech and words of gratitude. To                activities is from 10 in the morning before 5 pm. Or Before
 prepare the students for such special event,           sunset.                              – By Daniel Abedi
 Stamford offered a workshop on the 15th
 of August, which was mandatory for those
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