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billboard   “ In My Feelings ”  No.1                       WHAT IS

                                                             YOUR                                                                       SEPTEMBER

  Is a song by Canadian musician Drake   from his   “In My  Feelings”  is  a  bounce  track, similar  to   Stone             September’s birthstone is the
 fifth studio album Scorpion (2018). It was re-  Drake’s previous single “Nice for What”. Upon its   JANUARY          sapphire—a precious gem of wisdom,
 leased to rhythmic and contemporary hit radio   release, several outlets reported that the song   Garnet             loyalty and nobility. This stone is said to
 on July 30, 2018, as the album’s fifth single. The   was about Keshia Chanté, Drake’s first girlfriend               focus the mind, encourage self-discipline
 song features additional vocals by the City Girls,   and  childhood  friend. Drake also makes refer-     This beautiful stone, which is   and channel higher powers. This lovely
 though they are not credited on the official   ences to Jennifer Lopez (“Jenny”), who he briefly   most commonly red but can be found   gem gives September-born babies a full
 version.  dated in 2016, and Quality Control duo City Girls,   in a range of other colors, symboliz-                 spectrum of options when choosing the
 made up of members Yung Miami (“Resha”) and   es peace, prosperity and good health.                                  shade of birthstone that best represents
 JT. The City Girls also provide uncredited vocals.  Some say it even has the power to give   MAY                     them.
 “ I KNOW YOURSELF,  In the Billboard magazine issue dated July 14,   the wearer eternal happiness, health and   Emerald
 2018, “In My Feelings” debuted at number six
                                                                        May birthdays fall right in the
 KNOW YOUR WORTH.”  on the Billboard Hot 100, one of seven top 10     heart of spring, and the emerald is the
 entries by Drake that week. The following week,                 perfect gem to symbolize and celebrate
 partly due to the rising popularity of the dance                this month. Prized for its brilliant and
 challenge associated with the song,[21] it                      beautiful green color, the emerald is often
 ascended to the top spot of the chart, becoming                 favored by the rich and famous to wear as             OCTOBER
 Drake’s sixth number-one single on the chart.  FEBRUARY         statement pieces for big events.
 [22] On the issue dated July 28, 2018, “In My                                                                         Tournaline
 Feelings” broke the streaming record for the   Amethyst                                                               Opal
                   This month is often cold, dark
                                                                                                                              Individuals born in October get
 Artist: Drake  most streams in a single week with 116.2 mil-    and short for many people around the                    to choose between two birthstones—
 lion streams, and retained the top spot on the
 DRAKE  Album: Scorpion  chart.[23] It also reached number one on the   world, so the amethyst—which is often   JUNE   tourmaline and opal. Each gem then un-
 Released: 2018
            associated with qualities of peace, cour-
 Canadian Hot 100 and the UK Singles Chart.
                                                                                                                       veils nearly limitless possibilities, as each
 Genre: Hip-Hop/Rap
            dividuals who need a little extra warmth
 Nominations: MTV Video Music Award for the Best Song of the Summer  age and stability—is the right gem for in-  Pearl  one comes in a rainbow of shades and
                                                                                                                       color combinations. Between tourmaline
            and strength this time of year.                                            Alexandrite                     and opal , October’s birthstones offer a
                                                                                       moonstone                       full spectrum of gems to suit anyone’s
                                                                        June’s birthstones range from                  personal tastes.

                            MARCH                                creamy-colored opalescent pearl and
                                                                 moonstone to the rare color-changing
                            Aquamarine                           alexandrite—one of the most valuable
                            Bloodstone                           gems on earth. With this spectrum of
                                                                 price points and color options, people
                                                                 with June birthdays can choose a beauti-
                                                                 ful gemstone to fit any mood or budget.                                NOVEMBER
                   For the lucky individuals born                                                                                       Citrine
            in March, two birthstones are associated                                                                         Individuals born in November
            with this early spring month: aquamarine                                                                  can choose between two sunny gem-
            and bloodstone. Both stones are very dif-                                                                 stones to brighten up this chilly month.
            ferent from one another in appearance,                      JULY                                          November’s birthstones, topaz and
            but each share a similar symbolism of                           Ruby                                      citrine, are both known for their calming
            preserving or enhancing the health of the                                                                 energies, bringing warmth and fortune to
            wearer.                                                      Ruby, the king of precious gems,
 Mr. Timothy                                                      is the birthstone for fortunate folks born          those who wear them. Both of Novem-
 Bulow (L)   Workshops  Professional                              in July. Symbolic of the passion and                ber’s birthstones are fairly abundant and
 and Dr.    Make-up                                               energy associated with the color red, the           affordably priced, even in large sizes.
 Andrew (R)                                                       vibrant ruby is said to bring love and

 Pun       APRIL

 BNK48     Diamond                                                                                                    DECEMBER
                   For those fortunate to be born                                                                     Tanzanite
           in April, the most prized gemstone of                                       AUGUST                         Zircon
 Live      all is their birthstone. For this month,                                                                   Turquoise
 Music     diamonds truly are a girl’s (or a boy’s)                                    Sardonyx
 Open      best friend.                                                                Spinel                                December’s birthstones offer
 Bands                                                                                                                three ways to fight the winter blues: tan-
 House                                                                                 Peridot
                                                                         The original birthstone for                  zanite, zircon and turquoise – all of them,
                                                                  August was Sardonyx, and then peridot               appropriately, best known for beautiful
                                                                  was added, becoming August’s primary                shades of blue. All of these stones are
 Christopher                                                      gem. The addition of spinel, which can              relatively inexpensive, but their beauty

 Wright                                                           be found in a variety of colors, gives              rivals even precious gems.
                                                                  August babies a plethora of options.
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