Page 7 - BS Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 12 Edisi Revisi 2018_Neat
P. 7


                 CHAP-   KD     SOCIAL           TEXT          LANGUAGE    TOPICS        SKILL
                 TER            FUNCTION         STRUCTURE     FEATURES                  FOCUS

                 1       3.1    Asking for and                 The use of   May I Help   Listening
                         4.1    giving services                modals;     You?          Speaking
                                                               What can I
                                                               do...? What
                                                               if ...?
                 2       3.5    Planning future   - Conditional   Present   Why Don't    Reading
                         4.5    activities; Giving   statements  Tense     You Visit     Writing
                                suggestions,                   - Conjunct-  Seattle?     Speaking
                                advices and                    ion: if, unless
                                instructions                   - Imperative
                                                               why don't
                                                               you... you
                                                               should, got...
                                                               - modals:
                                                               need, should,
                                                               have to
                                                               - vocabs:
                                                               nouns and
                                                               verbs related
                                                               to the topics
                 3       3.3    Giving           various       - Word      Creating      Reading
                         4.3.1  information                    - Phrase    Captions      Writing
                         4.3.2  through pictures,              - Clause
                                photos, tables,                - Sentence
                                graphics, charts
                 4       3.2    Giving           Letter head,   - Vocabs,   Do You       Reading
                         4.2.1  information      date, address   phrases, and   Know How   Writing
                         4.2.2  related to       of receiver,   sentences   to Apply for
                                applicant's      salutation,   used in a
                                competence       body, closing,  letter of   a Job?
                                                 signature,    application
                                                 name of       - Active-
                                                 applicant     passive

                    vi     Bahasa Inggris
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