Page 8 - BS Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 12 Edisi Revisi 2018_Neat
P. 8

CHAP-    KD    SOCIAL           TEXT          LANGUAGE     TOPICS       SKILL
              TER            FUNCTION         STRUCTURE     FEATURES                  FOCUS

              5        3.4   Responding to    Headlines,    - Topic-     Who was      Listening
                       4.4   and creating     summary of    related      Involved?    Reading
                             news items (from   events (who,   vocabulary             Speaking
                             newspaper/       what, where,   - Reported               Writing
                             radio/tv         why, etc.),   speech
                                              quotes        (indirect
                                                            speech) vs
                                                            direct speech
                                                            - Past verbs
              6        3.4   Giving           Lead, events,   - Headlines  Online     Listening
                       4.4   information about  quotes      - Quotes     School       Reading
                             an event (news                 - Direct-    Registration  Writing
                             item)                          indirect                  Speaking
                                                            - Prepositions
              7        3.4   Giving           Lead, events,   - Headlines  It's Garbage  Listening
                       4.4   information about  quotes      - Quotes     In, Art Works   Reading
                             an event (news                 - Direct-    Out          Writing
                             item)                          indirect                  Speaking
                                                            - Prepositions
              8        3.6   Giving           Steps in using  - Phrases and  How to   Listening
                       4.6.1  information     technological  sentences   Make         Reading
                       4.6.2  about certain   products      to give                   Writing
                             procedures                     instructions              Speaking

              9        3.6   Showing some     Tips in doing   - Topic-   Do It        Listening
                       4.6.1  tips on how to do  something   related     Carefully!   Reading
                       4.6.2  something       (goal,        vocabulary                Writing
                                              materials,    - Commands                Speaking
                                              steps)        (imperatives)
                                                            - Adverbial
              10       3.6   Giving           Steps in using  - Phrases and  How to Use   Listening
                       4.6.1  information     technological  sentences   Photoshop?   Reading
                       4.6.2  about certain   products      to give                   Writing
                             procedures                     instructions              Speaking

              11       3.7   Entertaining,    Songs         - Topic-     Let's Make   Listening
                       4.7   introducing                    related      a Better     Reading
                             moral values,                  vocabulary   World for All  Writing
                             and appreciating                                         Speaking
                             cultural values

                                                                     Chapter Map         vii
   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10