Page 31 - Epistle 2018 ISSUE 1
P. 31

Innovation  in  the  field  of  Image  Processing,  Machine

       Learning, Deep Learning has taken the world by storm and

       it’s the time when the young minds can explore this arena

       and can contribute enthusiastically. To ignite their mind and

       set  them  on  track,  the  SPS  Student  Chapter  Branch,  IEEE

       Signal  Processing  Society  alongwith  its  faculties  and

       students  had  put  effort  to  conduct  an  interactive  Guest

       lecture  session  on  “INTRODUCTION  TO  COMPUTER  VISION”

       on  20th  of  march  2018.  Resource  person  Mr.  Mohanraj

       V  ,Data  Scientist-  Data  Analysis  COE  HCL  Technologies  Ltd.

       This  event  was  organised  by  Dr.  Annis  Fathima,  Prof.

       Sakthivel S.M, Prof. Rani Alex.
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