Page 37 - Epistle 2018 ISSUE 1
P. 37
List of Phd Scholars Awarded
Degree - 2018
Ribu Mathew (12PHD1032) under the faculty Dr. Ravi Sankar
A was awarded Phd degree for the topic "Design and
Optimization of a High Performance MEMS Piezoresistive
Cantilever Surface Stress Sensor with Reduced Thermal
Janarthanam S (14PHD1158) under the faculty
Dr. R. Jagadeesh Kannan was awarded Phd degree for the
topic "A Novel Architecture for 2D Image Filtering
and an Accelerated Median Finding Method ".
Ms. S. Lekha under the faculty Dr. M. Suchetha was awarded
Phd degree for the topic "Development of Detection and
Classification Techniques with application to Diabetes