Page 4 - Epistle 2018 ISSUE 1
P. 4


       The          School            offers          Bachelor's              level         programme

       in  Electronics                  and            Communication                       Engineering,

       Electronics                 and             Computer                   Engineering,Masters

       programmes  in  Embedded  Systems,  and  VLSI  Design,

       M.Tech  (By  Research)  and  Ph.D.  in  all  the  areas  of

       Electronics  and  Communication  Engineering  and  allied


       The  School  has  modern  state-of-the-art  laboratories  in

       the areas  of  Semiconductor  Devices  and  Nanotechnology,

       Analog Circuit Design, Digital System Design, Digital Signal

       Processing,             Embedded                  Systems              and         Architecture,

       Microprocessors  and  Microcontrollers,                                      Communication

       Engineering,                 Wireless  Technologies,  Internet  of  Things

       (IoT),  Microwave  and  Optical  Communication,  Computer

       Networks,  and  Advanced  VLSI Design.

       The  School  has  the  latest  industry  standard  simulation

       tools          (TCAD,               Intellisuite®,                Cadence®,                  Mentor
       Graphics,  Tanner,  Mapusoft  RTOS,  HESS,  ADS,  Microwave

       studio, and RSoft) cater to various circuit branch simulation
       specializations, and is equipped with facilities for synthesis,

       characterization  and  measurement  of  experimental  and
       theoretical results

       The School has won “The Best School Award and the Best

       Faculty  Award-2014-15”.  Also  won  “the  Best  outgoing

       student award - both male and female in 2015”.
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