Page 92 - Mercy MOR All Regions_FinalwithVideo
P. 92

and divided by 3 to estimate usage. Calculated PY cost by reviewing CRM Implant detail in iViewer.  Also added January Q1 bulk buy  Calculated PY cost by reviewing CRM Implant detail in iViewer.  Also added January Q1 bulk buy  and divided by 3 to estimate usage. Calculated PY cost by reviewing CRM Implant detail in iViewer.  Also added January Q1 bulk buy  and divided by 3 to estimate usage.  Calculated PY cost by taking current year spread and applying to PY. Calculated PY cost by taking current year spread and applying to PY.  Calculated PY cost by reviewing Or

                     Notes                                Notes                Notes         Notes                     Notes           Notes  $0  $0

                     PY Avg Cost  $775  $0  $1,063  $0  $0  $0  $0  $0  $0  $0  $0  $0  $0  $0  $0  $889  PY Avg Cost  $3,199  $14,696  $0  $1,044  $3,954  PY Avg Cost  $5,793  $0  $1,000  $4,344  PY Avg Cost  $4,015  $3,817  $4,095  $0  $0  $0  $0  $0  $0  $4,046  PY Avg Cost  $2,674  $0  $0  $0  $2,674  PY Avg Cost  $3,178  $7,623  $6,988

                       $35,650  $0  $31,900  $0  $0  $0  $0  $67,550  PY Spend  $60,788  $146,965  $0  $33,414  $241,167  PY Spend  173,794  -                                 13,000                           186,794  PY Spend  $40,149  $3,817  $45,042  $0  $0  $0  $0  $0  $0  $89,008  PY Spend  $160,442  $160,442  PY Spend  $3,178  $45,735  $0  $48,913
                     PY Spend
                  Stent Volume  PY Qty  46                       -                     30                       -                     -                     -                     -                     76                      CRM Volume  PY Qty  19                       10                       -                     32                       61                      Spine Volume  PY Qty                         30                       -                     13                                              43                      Orthopedic Volume  PY Qty  10                       1                         11

                     Spend Inc/(Decr)  $19,150  $3,300  ($5,500)  $0  $4,709  $0  $0  $0  $0  $0  $0  $0  $4,550  $5,700  $0  $31,909  Spend Inc/(Decr)  ($5,155)  ($65,904)  $0  $23,252  ($47,807)  Spend Inc/(Decr)  $391,779  $0  $13,584  $405,363  Spend Inc/(Decr)  #REF!  #REF!  #REF!  #REF!  #REF!  #REF!  #REF!  #REF!  $0  #REF!  Spend Inc/(Decr)  ($141,151)  $112,067  $26,945  $0  ($2,138)  Spend Inc/(Decr)  $37,997  $93,779  $0  $0  $131,776

                       $685  $825  $1,100  $0  $110  $0  $0  $0  $0  $0  $0  $0  $1,517  $1,900  $0  $633  $3,709  $11,580  $0  $1,532  $3,277  $10,283  $0  $3,798  $9,551  $0  $0  $0  $0  $0  $0  $0  $0  $0  $0  $1,135  $2,384  $1,684  $0  $1,979  $8,235  $8,207  $0  $0  $8,213
                     Avg Cost                             Avg Cost             Avg Cost      Avg Cost                  Avg Cost        Avg Cost

                     Total Spend  $54,800  $3,300  $26,400  $0  $4,709  $4,550  $5,700  $99,459  Total Spend  $55,633  $81,060  $0  $56,666  $193,360  Total Spend  $565,573  $0  $26,584  $592,157  Total Spend  #REF!  #REF!  #REF!  #REF!  #REF!  #REF!  #REF!  #REF!  #REF!  Total Spend  $19,291  $112,067  $26,945  $158,303  Total Spend  $41,175  $139,514  $0  $180,689

                       80  4  24  43           3  3  157     15  7    37  59     55  7  62                               17  47  16  80  5  17  22
                     Qty                                   -                                                       Qty                         -                               Qty            -                                  Qty  #REF!  #REF!  #REF!  #REF!  #REF!  #REF!  #REF!  #REF!  #REF!  Qty                                          Qty                         -

                     Vendor  Boston- Synergy              Vendor               Vendor  Medtronic; Stryker  Vendor  Smith & Nephew  Smith & Nephew  Smith & Nephew  Smith & Nephew  Smith & Nephew  Smith & Nephew  Smith & Nephew  Smith & Nephew  Vendor  Vendor
                       Abbott  Medtronic  Boston  Abbott  Abbott  Abbott  Medtronic  Medtronic  Medtronic  Medtronic  Medtronic

                     Stent Category  Cardiology DES  Cardiology DES  Cardiology DES  Cardiology DES  Peripheral  Peripheral  Peripheral  Peripheral  Peripheral  Drug Coated Balloon  Drug Coated Balloon  Esophogeal   Bili  Carotid   Total  Device Type  Pacer  AICD  BIV - AICD  Leads  Total  Case Type  Fusion  Stimulator  Min Invasive  Total  Lima Volume  TJR Procedure  Hip  Hip Revision  Knee  Knee Revision  Shoulder  Shoulder Revision  Elbow  Ankle  Wrist  Total  Service Line  GYN  General  Urology  Total  Service Line  AAA  CABG  CTO  Total
   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97