Page 6 - brand manual
P. 6
Our growing team is
committed to offering
premium quality baby
clothes made with the
softest top quality,com-
bined with delicate colors
and modern designs. And
INSPIRATION behind the scenes, we
thoughtfully plan each
Our aim was to build a snuggle-up cozy detail
business that catered for and from our super soft
all parents needs whilst and washable fabrics to
inspire them. Our identity our easy-to-change
is therefore a true features. We’re always
reflection of what we one step ahead, making
set out to create, an sure babies are
iconic brand that cap- surrounded in absolute-
tures the essence of head-to-toe comfort.
parenting. As an iconic
brand we need to ele-
vate Baby cuddle,
underlining the quality,
range, specialist knowl-
edge and service that
deliver exceptional value
at competitive prices.To
convince parents to buy
in to Baby Cuddle beyond
pregnancy and browsing
and to set Baby Cuddle
apart as the definitive
specialists amongst
generalist competitors.