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us with a changing set of circumstances. The JAC and Age Managers are carefully considering how we can modify our approach to Nipper Sundays to ensure that these, new to the ocean participants, can be brought up to speed, enjoy the experience and get the surf/ ocean education that they have enrolled in Sunday nippers to achieve. We expect, with the increasing popularity of ‘sea change’ lifestyle by historically inner suburban, country or city dwelling families moving to the coast, that this trend will continue. This is an area for constant improvement and I will acknowledge needs further development – but we are up for the challenge and planning already for next season!
Board riding skill development of the U9s (first year) and U10s (second year) continued this season under the guidance of Coach Lachie. With a total of 54 Nippers enrolled across these two age groups we consistently had 30 turning up to Wednesday afternoon training. An absolutely fantastic result and great for the kids’ skill development. Thanks to parents for making the time to bring you Nippers to this session. Thanks to Lachie for his patience and guidance. Thanks to those parents who put on the orange, literally every week, to ensure the kids could actually get in the water!
The JAC program is a large one and requires literally a huge volunteer work force. We are a bunch of very dedicated volunteers and would very much welcome new parents to our group. As our nipper numbers continue to expand,
we will need the assistance of more fabulous parents; there is a role for everyone no matter what your skill base, confidence levels or knowledge. For this season special thanks to the steering JAC (Junior Activities Committee) members – Nicole White, Brenda Koning, Aaron Cross, Brigid and Matt Duncanson, Tania Lewis and Bain Swanson. To Cal Stephens for all your assistance, management and co-ordination
of our very successful Nipper fundraising and events. To all of our amazing Age Managers a huge thank you for all you do to get the kids in the water and increase their knowledge and skills in the ocean. To all of our Surf Sports Officials – thanks for giving up your time so those Nippers who chose to participate in
Beach skills on display at Club Champs.
the sport side of our program can do so. To
our club photographers – thanks for all the amazing permanent memories you have helped to create for us all. To all of our Water Safety parents, U14s, youth and cadet members – thank you for your willingness to complete your SRC or Bronze course, patrol our Beach and then also provide the water safety ratio we need to get our Nippers in the water. Without all of these people we simply would not be in a position to offer the Sunshine Beach Surf Life Saving Club Junior Activities program. It literally
‘takes a village’ and I am proud to say our village is an amazing one!
Finally, in the words of ACDC I am going ...back in the ring to take another swing...if you will have me as Director of Junior Activities for yet another, what I expect will be, monumental season! See you around the club or on the beach in September!
  Sunshine Beach Surf Life Saving Club Annual Report 2020/21

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