Page 26 - 2024 ITS Catalogue Correspondence - Nov2023
P. 26



             EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS               HOSPITALITY AND                   RETAIL SKILLS AND
             AND WORK READINESS                 CUSTOMER SERVICE                  SUCCESS

             Level:    2                        Level:    2                       Level:    2

             Credits:   22                      Credits:   17                     Credits:   20

             - Programme #: 127742              - Programme #: 127743             - Programme #: 127740

             The aim of this micro-credential is to   The aim of this micro-credential is   The aim of this micro-credential is to
             provide learners with employability   to provide learners with the skills to   provide learners with an opportunity
             skills and to enable learners to be   work in hospitality, retail or travel and   for students to get real hands-on
             work ready. Learners will develop   tourism. Learners will develop skills in   experience working within a retail
             communication and problem-solving   communication, sales and customer   environment. Learners will gain skills
             skills, and self-management and    service, and gain knowledge of    and knowledge in stock handling and
             time management strategies to      essential safe work practices and food   safe working practices, customer
             successfully function in the workplace   and safety requirements.    interactions and meeting customer
             environment.                                                         needs, product information and
                                                This micro-credential targets learners   management of theft or fraud in a
             This programme targets learners    currently in high school (Gateway   retail environment.
             currently in high school (Gateway   programme), unemployed, youth/
             programme), unemployed, youth/     rangatahi (16-19 years), those    This programme targets learners
             rangatahi (16-19 years) or those with   graduating from Hospitality and   currently in high school (Gateway
             disabilities who want to prepare   Customer Service micro-credential,   programme), unemployed, youth/
             themselves for entering the workforce  those wishing to change career or   rangatahi (16-19 years), those wishing
                                                re-enter the workforce, or those   to change career or re-enter the
             Graduates of this micro-credential will   with disabilities who want to   workforce, or those with disabilities
             be able to:                        prepare themselves for entering the   who want to prepare themselves for
             •   Apply self-management and      workforce.                        entering the workforce.
                 time management strategies
                 to organise personal life and   Graduates of this micro-credential will   Graduates of this micro-credential will
                 manage personal stress.        be able to:                       be able to:
             •   Communicate effectively in     •   Maintain a safe and secure    •   Handle stock safely and follow
                 a group/team to achieve an        environment for people in the     safe working practices, in a retail
                 objective.                        hospitality and retail industry.   environment under supervision.
             •   Use a problem-solving method to   •   Work safely with food items.   •   Establish and maintain positive
                 a problem.                     •   Communicate effective.           customer service interactions in a
             •   Describe employment            •   Interact with customers and      retail environment.
                 relationships and apply basic     respond to enquiries about     •   Identify customer’s needs and
                 employment law to that            products and services.            provide options for goods and/
                 relationship.                  •   Apply legislation within a retail   or services to meet customer’s
             •   Complete forms with accuracy      environment.                      needs, in accordance with
                 using personal information.                                         organisational procedures.
                                                                                  •   Understand product information
                                                                                     and products in a retail
                                                                                  •   Demonstrate knowledge of theft
                                                                                     and fraud in a retail or distribution

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