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P. 212

from which everything emerges and to which everything is connected.” I said to myself, “Thank goodness they understand. Not only that, they have had experiences along these lines, and I am in a group of kindred souls.” The conference room began buzzing with comments and contributions.
The question of how to investigate this level of reality was broached. Computers were mentioned, as well as increased scientific experimentation. Then, a woman in the back of the room arose, looked intently at me and said, “I think that there is something else you have to say.”
The room fell silent. It was as if Baba had stopped the conversation and turned aention back to me. I replied, “Yes, I do have something more to say. Sai Baba tells us very clearly how to investigate this realm of reality. We have to be cautious about depending on the mind for insights into this realm. The mind sees separate names and forms. It sees limitation and is unable to grasp oneness. However, there is an aspect of us that reaches beyond separation and limitation, and merges with the other. This capacity moves us beyond separateness to unity. This aspect is love.” As I said the word “love,” there was a perceptible sigh (or perhaps, beer to say “Sai”) heard in the room. They recognized it. They understood that love unites us. This moment of sharing with my Russian brothers and sisters was so sweet. The meeting ended, and we went to another room for tea.
As we sat around exchanging ideas, my new Russian friends talked about their scientific work. Ramaa excitedly asked, “How many people would like to take a trip to see Sai Baba?” I was surprised to see that about all of the 40 people present showed great interest. Ramaa wrote a list of names and began organizing the trip. What a quick turn of events! Within two hours of my first contact with the Russians, a roomful of prominent psychologists was enthusiastically planning a trip to Swami. I hadn’t seen this level of interest among my USA colleagues in the 16 years I had been talking about Swami. Swami must have been at work here!

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