Page 344 - WLMIG_6132004.indd
P. 344

whereas the screen is permanent. The pictures, in the form of projections on the screen, come and go, but the screen does not change. When the picture appears on the screen, the screen becomes invisible. Where does it go? It is there within the picture, but it is invisible. Yet, without the screen, you cannot see the pictures.
Observation reveals the fact that the screen is not affected either by the innumerable visuals or by the sound effects. The screen depicts the scenes, but it is not affected by them. What is the reason? Floods, earthquakes, and tempests that appear on the screen are not real, so the screen is not affected by them. It remains as the witness.
Your heart is a big screen that is changeless. On the screen of your heart you see sufferings, happiness, and ordeals. All these emotions are transient scenes, like passing clouds. None of the scenes are permanent. Only the screen of your heart is permanent. That is divine. It is also called “conscience,” which is the eternal truth. (SSB, Sanathana Sarathi, August 1999)
Projecting onto Swami
Swami allows us to project ourselves onto him and teaches us not to blame or praise, but to see everything as our own reflection. This is one way he teaches detachment from obstacles that obstruct our awareness of inner divinity. Releasing desires, projections, and ego is liberating.

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