Page 345 - WLMIG_6132004.indd
P. 345

Swami is extremely aractive, so we want to have a close relationship with him. Since this relationship is so intense, we project expectations, hopes, and fears onto him. People frequently project onto him their unconscious feelings from past unresolved conflicts. He says that he is a mirror, and by developing a relationship with him we can see a clear reflection of our own mind. Since our mind might be confused and conflicted, when we project these feelings onto Swami we blame him for causing our confusion or conflicts. A common example is when a person expects Swami to solve all problems, including financial and health problems. When this wishful thinking is not met, the person loses faith and leaves Swami. The path is to accept everything as a gi from Swami, give up all expectations, and release our inner struggles. In a spiritual sense, releasing misguided thoughts and behaviors into Swami’s love is called a “sacrifice.” By this sacrifice we can become open, empty, and nothing, which is everything.
Not by good works, or wealth, or progeny, But by sacrifice is liberation aained. (SSB)
Don’t blame others. Look inward to find your own faults and work on becoming beer. This path of purification requires the discrimination to see everything as a magnificent miracle, perfect, and complete. Anything else is a reflection of our own mental confusion and conflict. Problems we face are special gis from Swami prompting us to detach and love. Swami says that whatever happens to us, even events we least like, are for our own growth, leading to our liberation. This insight brings great contentment.
The world is full of problems. That is the way you learn. (SSB)

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