Page 347 - WLMIG_6132004.indd
P. 347

Dissolving the Ego
Ridding us of desires and ego, which are the basis of conflict and suffering, is the Shiva destroyer aspect of Swami. He destroys our desires and ego by bringing out our unfinished business and projections (excess luggage) so that we can face and detach from them. Whenever we have a reaction to Swami, we must always ask, “What is Swami bringing out of me that he wants me to see?” With this awareness, we can more quickly see our imperfections and release them into his sacred heart. His Shiva power burns our mental anguish to ash! During this great play, we must learn, like an actor, to become the detached witness, unaffected by the play.
Kasturi and the Worm
Sai Baba’s biographer, Professor N. Kasturi, told me the following story about the process of becoming emptied of ego, which can be painful. Professor Kasturi was well-educated and a very gied poet and writer who was deeply devoted to Swami. He was an inspiring speaker and frequently was asked to speak about Swami.
Kasturi gave a number of upliing talks at a village near Puaparthi. Aerward, he was asked to stay and give advice. He was hesitant, thinking, “Why ask the patient for advice when the doctor (Swami) is in the house?” However, the village elder was persistent and against his beer judgment, Kasturi stayed and gave advice.
While preparing to leave, Kasturi was asked if he would stay overnight and bless the children the next morning. He felt that this was not his position, but again relented when the elder persisted. “The villagers feel that Swami’s love flows through you, and they pray that you will bless their children,” he said.
As Kasturi was leaving, the villagers asked to touch his feet. Cautiously he allowed this act of devotion, as he saw that it brought such happiness to the villagers. Kasturi then returned to Swami.

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