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 A statue of the Missing Link materialized for Prof. N. Kasturi by Sai Baba
body, and mind, in order to
find our divine identity, we
suffer a form of separation
anxiety. Becoming empty is the
dissolution side of purification
and can be frightening and
painful. We might experience
the emptying as an annihilation
of our mind and all that we think is real, and feel a profound nothingness. In accepting nothingness and releasing our fear into God’s love, we find everything, including our divinity. This fullness is the transcendent side of purification.
A deeper insight into both the emptying and transcendental aspects of the purification process helped me to better understand the place of suffering and sacrifice on the spiritual path. With this insight, I have identified a number of spiritual and psychological elements that form a useful overview of Swami’s teachings about the path to union with God. These elements have evolved into a total of nine, which form the core of this book.
The Nine Elements
1. With Love, Man Is God1. Man has limitless potential; we can acquire divine aributes and overcome all problems. What a glorious revelation! We can believe this incredible truth because Swami shows us his divinity and assures us that we are also divine. Being in his presence, experiencing

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