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Life&Style  |  NOV/DEC 2021


             Resorts vs.

        Retirement Villages

        WHETHER YOU’RE close to             we’ve made it simple for you         Government Rent Assistance,                   them to unlock their financial
        retiring or looking to rightsize    by listing the many financial        if eligible                                   freedom plus live an active
        your home, there are many           benefits of joining one of our      •  When it comes time to sell,                 and social lifestyle with a
        options available. For those who    East Coast lifestyle resorts:        there is no requirement to                    wide selection of premium
        value an independent lifestyle                                           refurbish your home and you                   recreation and leisure
        and are looking to avoid the big    • No entry fees                      are able to keep 100 per cent                 facilities. Whether swimming
                                            •  No exit fees or deferred
        fees typically associated with                                           of the capital gain on your                   in the pool, relaxing in the spa
        retirement villages or buying        management fees                     home sale price                               or sauna, playing tennis and
                                            •  No strata or body corporate
        house and land, lifestyle resorts                                                                                      bowls or working in the hobby
        offer a refreshing alternative.      fees                               Our lifestyle resorts have been                workshop, there is always
                                            • No stamp duty                     created to give Australians the                something to do.
        It can get confusing with so        • No council rates                  opportunity to own a luxuriously
        much information out there, so      •  Ability to claim Commonwealth  affordable home. This helps

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