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Life&Style  |  NOV/DEC 2021

                                            small community, bolstering the     Thyme Evans Head, with over
                                            local economy. We are also close    40 future homeowners placing
                                            to the Northern Rivers’ beautiful   deposits. We are incredibly
                                            regional towns, including           excited to be welcoming our
                                            Lismore, Ballina, Lennox Head,      new homeowners into our
                                            Bangalow and Byron Bay, and         community when Stage 1 homes
                                            to the south, Yamba, Grafton        are completed later this year.”
                                            and Coffs Harbour. Now that the
                                            freeway is close to completion,     “There is a genuine sense of
                                            accessing these towns is            community in Evans Head with
                                            easier than ever – so weekend       many locals keen to preserve
                                            activities can involve exploring    this quiet fishing village,” she
                                            these villages’ local markets,      adds.
                                            restaurants, shops and activities,”   Discover Thyme Evans Head at
                                            says Tracey.              

                                            “It is no surprise that there has
                                            been overwhelming interest in
 Introducing Thyme

           Evans Head

 Thyme Lifestyle Resort Evans Head brings the coast, comfort and
 luxury to its spectacular boutique-sized community

 CONSTRUCTION is currently   3,000 people. We have stunning   and ocean), stand-up paddle
 underway at Thyme Lifestyle   beaches and a calm river, which   boarding, surfing and coastal
 Resort Evans Head. The   makes it appealing to a lot of   walks are all popular in the
 Evans Head region is home to   people.” she says.  community.
 beautiful beaches, a welcoming
 “The lifestyle here is pretty   For those who prefer activities
 community and relaxing lifestyle.
 relaxed. From the headland   on solid ground, there are
 Our incredible sales consultant   there is a good chance that you’ll   plenty of bush walks to explore
 Tracey Cribb shares all the perks   glimpse a whale pod as they   as Evans Head is completely
 to life in Evans Head and why   migrate north during the winter   surrounded by national park,
 it’s the perfect place to live a   months.”   ensuring its natural beauty is
 luxurious coastal lifestyle.   protected.  Tracey Cribb.
 Evans Head is ideal for those
 “Evans Head is a lovely   who love to get the most out   “Thyme Evans Head will
                                          Sod Turning Event.
 community of approximately   of life. Fishing (river, rock, wall   generate jobs and growth for this

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