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TECHNOLOGY                                                                              Life&Style  |  NOV/DEC 2021

 GUIDE TO:                                                                                   Sales
 Using Zoom to stay                                                                   update

 connected with loved ones

 T After clicking on the invitation  E  vans Head is hot property   by homeowners and    our first display home

                             and this has been clear by
                             the astonishing amount of
 T An invitation link will arrive
                             interest we have received
 via email or text from whoever
                             on Thyme Lifestyle Resort
 you’re Zooming
                             out before it was officially
                                                                                         December. Hervey
                                                              those warm weather
                                                              summer swims.
                                                                                         Bay continues to be a
                             released to the market, and
 link, you will be prompted to   Evans Head. Stage 1 sold     buyers, just in time for   completed in early
        stage 2 plus future stages now have waiting lists.                               strong selling market.
 download Zoom or to launch                                   Over to the bay side, the
 the app if you already have it   The luxurious affordable home designs have   Anchorage has released   Buyers are coming from
        proven to be popular. The mix gives purchasers a                                 the local area and from
 installed                                                    its exclusive spacious
        choice of 2 bedroom, 2 plus study and 3 bedroom                                  interstate, and they are
 T Choose to join the meeting   homes. Garages have a range of oversized single,   waterfront properties,   snapping up properties
 with or without video   double, and RV size garages. Planning of facilities   rarely seen in an Over   as Sunshine Coast is
        are extensive for the local area with plenty of       50s Lifestyle Resort.      no longer affordable to
 T Note that if the host of the                               These homes are big
        opportunity to meet and make new friends. Being                                  many buyers.
 meeting hasn’t started the   pet friendly, even your pets will have new friends.   and include elevators. If
 meeting yet, you may have to                                 waterfront is not for you,  Property prices have and
 wait a few minutes on hold   Thyme Moreton Bay has really found it’s feet   then we are releasing   are increasing. Smart
        in sales now. We saw last month explode with          the next stage with new    buyers are placing an
        interest converting to sales and many welcomed        modern designs not         expression of interest on
        new homeowners now enjoying a new lifestyle           seen before.               homes now whilst their
        and their new home. Stage 2 is now 98% sold                                      home is being built and
                                                              Thyme Hervey Bay has
 OVER THE PAST two years   So, if you’re unsure about Zoom   out and Stage 3A has now been released and   been a hype of activity.   seeing capital growth
 COVID has completely changed   but want to keep connected   snapped up within a short period. The remainder   Homes in stage 1 are   before they settle on
 our lives. Zoom and Facetime   with family and friends, we’re   of Stage 3 will be released in November due   under construction   that property.
 are words that you had probably   here to help.   to high demand. In this stage we will see our   and we should see   There has never been
 never even heard of before the   largest homes on big blocks enter the market. In       a better time to act and
 pandemic and are now a part   HOW DO I GET STARTED?  October we welcomed 9 new homeowners, and   snap up a beautiful
 of our everyday vocabulary.   with homes starting from $398,000, we believe             home in one of our well-
 Technology has changed the   T Grab your device: Zoom is   the high demand will not stop. Having our new   located master planned
 way we connect, and for many   compatible on Windows PCs,   Country Club open has also been well received   communities on the East
 it means ‘Zooming’ for family   Macs, smartphones and tablets                           Coast.
 check-ins, book-club meetings,
 T If using a computer, open your
 fitness classes, weddings or trivia   browser and go to to   From here you should be all set
 nights. However, this technology
 download the Zoom software   to catch up and share news in                              Marlene Cumming
 can prove challenging for some.  an almost face-to-face fashion.
 T If using a phone or tablet, you
 With continual lockdowns,   can download the zoom app on   While it might not feel the same
 restrictions and border closures   as normal, seeing our friends and
 either the App Store or Google
 it can be hard to make plans to   Play Store   family on camera definitely helps
 see our loved ones in person.   to stay in good spirits!

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