Page 61 - MODULE1_Insurance Introduction_CHA
P. 61

As insurance is a contract, where the insurer and the insured

                   are the two parties involved, this liability can be to any other

                   person, or in other words, to any ‘third party’ to the

                   contract. Hence, such liabilities are generally called ‘third-

                   party liabilities’. Driving a motor vehicle without third-party

                   insurance in a public place is a punishable offence in terms of

                   the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988. A motor third party insurance

                   policy is mandatory according to Motor Vehicles Act, 1988.

                   Motor insurance is of two main types:

                   -  Comprehensive (own damage – OD – and third party – TP

                       both covered)

                   -  Third Party - (own damage – OD – not covered; Only third

                       party – TP covered)

                   5. Travel insurance

                   Travel insurance is called by different names by insurance

                   companies, but offers insurance protection while one travels;

                   people usually opt for it when traveling out of the country,

                   but may even be bought for domestic travel. Travel insurance

                   protects the insured person and his family from domestic and

                   international travel related perils and losses like accidents,

                   unexpected medical expenditure during travel, baggage loss,

                   interruption or delays in flights etc.

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