Page 20 - Zone Magazine Issue 020
P. 20

There’s been so many brands remerging from the 90’s and selling
out as fast as the current brands. How has it felt for you to be a part of those
brands again?
Let’s take Clockwork Orange as the perfect example. They were great back in the day! However, they have turned into something truly spectacular becoming bigger
better and most importantly nicer. They are now more than just a clubbing brand, but a real online community and extended family. I’m proud of what they have
achieved but even prouder of the people that go to the gigs and show real love and care for everyone there. It really is something special
We’ve not heard you on radio for some time, do you miss presenting?
Haha! I do sometimes, who knows maybe someone could tempt me back out. There are so many underground house shows though I think I’d like to do something more
How do you find juggling family life with touring these days?
It’s a beautiful thing having kids when you are young. It means that now they can babysit me. My son is 20 and I want to buy him a car so he can pick me up from the
pub. My daughter is nearly 16 so not long before she will join my personal mini cab firm!
It’s such a demanding scene with social media, online presence and the perception of gaining ‘likes’ and plays
etc. Do you worry about keeping this up, or are you pretty chilled out about
that kind of stuff?
I’m not a luddite and obviously being involved in Evermix and the whole “recording and sharing your sets” thing is massively important and is gathering pace but
there is something nice about someone coming to see you DJ because they trust you to give them a good night and not because you’ve bought a load of likes from 12 year
olds in buttfuck nowhere.
Which events have been your highlights during the last 12 months?
Creamfields, Secret Garden Party, Cream Classical, Lush, Rhumba club, the list goes on. Such a great year but these lists are dangerous as you will always miss someone
out and they’ll be disappointed so I mean no offence as it really has been an amazing year. Actually Clockwork in Ibiza needs a mention No VIP bollocks, no limos, no bottle
service at £5k a seat, just smiles and a great vibe. Haven’t enjoyed Ibiza that much in years.

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