Page 22 - Zone Magazine Issue 020
P. 22

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or the past couple of years Fisherman and Hawkins have been making a name in the global trance scene. With countless hits and gigs around the globe these two friends decided it was time for a new direction. I had the opportunity to meet up with them right before their last gig at “Grenswerk” in their hometown Venlo. In one way this interview is also special for me since it is my first ever interview and I am happy to do it with these two veterans. We met up in the bar next to the venue. Since it was to noisy there we decided we would conduct the interview in a small room behind the stage. It was special
to see all these people working and setting up the gear for this awesome night to come. And I can say with all my hearth it was an epic farewell. They played their old and new hits, the gems and tracks I didn't gear before. I can't wait to see what the future holds in store for them both.
" 'Apache' was a track that was right in thebullseye. It was a big hit and meant a lot for us. I think after that release our career got a big boost. "
I wanted to talk about the past and the present. It is 5 years ago that “fisherman & Hawkins started. The big breakthrough was “Apache”, it was also the track that made me fall in love with your music. You joined Coldharbour recordings, but you where already part of Coldharbour before that. So that was the kickoff of your career.
Rob: Well yeah “Apache” was a track that was right in the bullseye. It was a big hit and meant a lot for us. I think after that release our career got a big boost.
Isaac: And today, exactly to the day, it is 5 years ago we had an “Apache” release party in the venue “Parool 55” also here in Venlo. Yeah so it is exactly 5 years ago so it was a special day back then and tonight is also going to be a special night for us.
So being a part of the music scene for the last 5 years. What would you say are you biggest and best experiences so far?
Isaac: Well definitely touring, you know worldwide off course and giving shows in pretty cool venues like “Avalon” “Mecca” Prague, “CrownStudios” in Melbourne. That is some very cool venue
Rob: Yeah it is pretty cool. Also we played “A state of trance 650” was also a highlight of our career. Well yeah I think it is a dream for everyone to tour, If you have a dream and one day you get to play your own music and tour the world with that. I think we achieved that pretty well. Now it is time for the next part.
While doing all these gigs abroad. You have been flying a lot. I my self am no member “yet” but did you become members of the mile high club yet?
Rob: Definitely not
Isaac: I am working on that and am still collecting the air- miles. But maybe one day (keeps on laughing)
Building a career what challenges did you encounter the last couple of years?
Rob: So we had this massive breakthrough in 2013. all of a sudden “Bamm” you are someone, the big names are playing you. I think we learned a lot, but the biggest challenges is what are you going to do with social media, what are you going to do musicwise, contacts, supports, friends that surround you, other guys in the scene. I think that is something we learned.
Isaac: Well yeah especially what Rob just said is that if you have a track like that, like ”Apache” all of a sudden you get a lot of attention. If you don't know how to manage that or how to work with that attention then it might be a bit to much. And especially if you are not prepared. In my opinion in that moment we where not really prepared for that success. It is better as an artist to have it grow a little bit more. Like a stabilized going upwards. It was our third release. It is what it is but it is the thing that everyone, every producer dreams about. So I am definitely not complaining but it was also that we made some mistakes regarding to social media or even you know rookie mistakes.
Would you say like being part of “coldharbour” made it easy for you? Rob: It made it definitely easier.
Isaac: Yeah they helped a lot. We where just not there for bookings but also their for management. They guided us a lot and we learned a lot of these guys to. Not just from the guys but also from the people around us. You know like artists that we traveled with that has not to be forgotten. Having the right people surround you that is the most important. That is the key.
Is it hard to find the right people?
Rob: Yeah that is hard to find. Especially at the start because you still need to prove yourself. And you don't know everybody yet. And it is a tough scene. People need to believe in you, they are the ones that further your career.

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