Page 23 - Zone Magazine Issue 020
P. 23

You got really lucky with Markus Schulz
believing in you. Not many people are part of
Rob: Well he picked up our sound from the first track and it was very cool to see that he was playing all the tracks.
Isaac: Still. He is still playing all the tracks.
Rob: Yeah it is pretty cool to sometimes see the videos where
he is playing “skyjumper” “underworld”.
What did you want to be when you where younger?
Rob: (Laughing) well I was. And I am still young. But what I mean is more like I always wanted to be in the music scene or something. I started buying and playing vinyl when I was 15. So if that what you mean by young then it is definitely DJ or something or producer. But before that I do not remember.
Isaac: For me it was driving racecars on circuits. I achieved that when I was 14 years. I had my own racecar I drove some circuits here in Holland. It was very cool I won some junior racecars. It was very cool but when I was 15 I started listen to music and also my little brother was very young into the music. So trance, techno, minimal, hardstyle, hardcore. I listen almost everything. From that point on I started dreaming about a career in music.
So when would you say did you realize ”like this is it”. Like this is what we are going to do?
Rob: Well before we teamed up together we where doing this. We played for ourselves 6/7 years before that. Before we teamed up together we where playing separate some gigs here and there but it was mostly hobby. I still remember one night we where at my place, we played some sets together and he (Isaac) said to me “why don't we start this project. He was already producing by then, his track where already supported by Armin, Tiesto in their radio shows. The things was that we had
to play an unexpected b2b at “Parool 55”. We both had to play at the venue.
Isaac: A week before that the organizer asked if we could do a b2b because an extra name was added to the line-up. We kinda got forced to play b2b, we kinda had to give away a spot for one extra DJ. That was like awesome, the most fun because we have the same energy behind the decks. In our Fisherman and Hawkins career it happened a lot that we had to play separately. Like Rob did a lot of Asia gigs and I was more in for the America, North-America and that kind of shows. We did them separately because sometimes it wasn’t easy to travel together because of some reason. But is was that energy when we are behind the decks together and after that fist time we came together a couple of days after and decided to lets do this.
Lets talk about your future. You are ending the project “Fisherman and Hawkins”. So you are setting out for a new career. I noticed that you Isaac have a new facebookpage under the same name.
Rob: I am still thinking of what to do. I am surely going to continue in the music business. But I am going to take my time now to come up with something very cool. I am not going to continue because I have to continue. I see this also as an opportunity to take a little step back and see what we did and what I learned throughout the years. And then for sure I will come up with a new project. It hat is in trancescene I do not know but maybe that it is techno or techtrance or I do not know. I still want to think about to make something unique and that is very hard but yeah I am still thinking about it. So maybe bubbling or raggaeton crossed my mind as well (Rob and Isaac start laughing). I must say I am enjoying the more time I have now. It was a big roller coaster al those years and I must really say I enjoy the spare time I have now. (Rob uses his terminator voice) I'll be back.

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