Page 36 - Zone Magazine Issue 017
P. 36

I gues festival playing is one side, clubs are the other. What do you prefer in general?
Well, festival but club playing is really good too. In a club you are more directly to the crowd. You are more close to them. It has more intimacy than festival. On the other handplaying at a festival on a huge stage with thousands of people it can really give you a kick.
What are your plans for the near future?
We have created our own record label here in Berlin named “Future- east” and we started with the release of our first EP there. So we now try to support more and more people, most of them from outside the “West”, people how do not have a chance to get to Europe or work freely. The music is always on top more than the political stuff but when they got problems with their politics we can even help them more from here. It is a real advantage that we got the label here in Berlin so we are out of reach for the administrations down there.
After we talked, that really opened my eyes. Those guys will make their way for sure and no politics can ever stop that. I just have to say what a great respect I´ve got for them.
When we were at the film show at Helios suddenly Yena Kisla from Warehouse Club Cologne who had organized that event headed to me and told me of another side story. At first I couldn´t believe what he said. When he planned the event he wanted to offer online ticket payment via Paypal. But paypal refused that because there was the term 'Iran” in the title of the event.
Well, I didn´t ever think that such things happen here in the middle of Europe where freedom is one of the highest goods. And so that incident even spread into the leading local Newspaper “Express”.
Connect: Pics By Marc Herzog
Words By H. Meyer

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