Page 38 - DemoZone Magazine Issue 003
P. 38

It’s a hot hot Tuesday and I’m sitting with Ean Sugarman, one of Miami Missive’s co-founders, which is held during WMC week on South beach at the beautiful Nikki beach complex. Anyone who has attended WMC week in Miami over the past few years has heard and definitely attended MM, but for those who have yet to come or returning we are here to give you an insight into what you will expect from MM.
So, we brave the hot sun on South Beach (poor us) and I ask the Australian expat and Miami native the hard questions.
What year did you start Miami Massive and what inspired you to start?
This is our 7th year in 2015, so the very first event was 2007 at the RoK Bar on South Beach. My business partner and I were looking to simply bring a
European presence to WMC in those days.
What made you choose the famous Nikki Beach to host Miami Massive?
As the event got more popular, we need a bigger and better venue along with a richer experience rather then a typical club environment.
Considering the amount of parties and festivals to compete with during WMC, did you find it hard at first to get the attention you needed?
No, not at that time. I think the last few years have been harder as more parties come on to the scene. In the end, only the good parties make it.
As you tend to either have a big hit or complete flop. Not much in between.
Do you feel Ultra music festival being held in the same week helps or hinders the Miami Massive attendance?
Absolutely helps. The year Ultra was on two weekends, we have a bumper year, along with everybody else.
How would you describe the sound and vibe of the Miami Massive experience?
Miami Massive is renown for having the cool and upcoming DJ's come through, along with some well-known names and Miami Favorites so the vibe is fresh and you can feel the enthusiasm of the fans in the air.
Who has been the biggest headliner you had?
We had Dimitri Vegas and Like Mike come through a few years back, now #2 in the Top DJ 100. Great talent and really nice guys.
Throughout the years, Miami Massive has been a breeding ground for young, new talent. What acts have taken their careers to new heights after debuting at Miami Massive?
I don't think we can really say we've debuted anyone specific but certainly talent that has played for us and grown are such DJ's like Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike of course. Also
Gregor Salto, Yves V, and this year will be a breakthrough year for Wolfpack I feel.
Have you found it hard to juggle so many artists in one day on two stages?
Are you happy with this year’s event?
Generally yes. In this economy, it's true that many producers are struggling and attendance is falling off. However we had some small growth this year, so given the situation, we will take the success gratefully. As per usual the talents performance was off the chain and the fans went crazy as always.
Would you like to host Miami Massive out side of Miami, Like LA?
Indeed. We actually have had some Miami Massive branded parties in Tomorrowland in Belgium also in Sao Paulo, Brazil.
You can expect to see more parties in Miami outside of Miami Music Week and possibly Vegas.
Possibly ADE or other countries?
Belgium again for Tomorrowland 2015 and possibly other European festivals.
Where do you see Miami Massive headed over the next few years?
Seeing the brand expand and attendance continue to grow while attracting even more talent to become a signature event for MMW and then other locations.
Is there advice you would like to give to Irish and European EDM fans that might be considering coming to Miami Massive in 2016?
Get your tickets early...They're cheaper!
Words By Ed Whitty Pics By Ean Sugarman
Bringing you review's & a look into what’s hot in the beautiful city.

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