Page 61 - DemoZone Magazine Issue 003
P. 61

Upon meeting this lovely lady legend, my initial thought was that she appeared as a normal, bubbly and fun loving girl having the time of her life, doing what she loves and carrying out a day to day routine of basically striving for her dreams. For someone who has achieved so much more than most, she is undoubtedly one of the most modest and endearing artists I have had the pleasure of meeting and interviewing. Nothing phases this girl, she most certainly has what it takes to exceed beyond her potential and no matter how high she gets, she’ll always be grounded and rooted by her ideals of never giving up and believes her fate lies only dependent on herself and her hard working ethics. Here is a wonderful insight into her life.
Where were you born and raised? And at what point in your life did you truly begin to feel influenced by music?
I was born and raised in Balbriggan, North County Dublin. As long as I can remember I was always into Dance Music probably from around the age of 11/12. My brother was a Dj too and there was always decks around the house. He liked progressive Trance & Tech House. I really got into that when I was 13, and then I got my decks for Christmas when I was 15 and there was no looking back!
Without doubt you are a divine inspiration to all, both male and female. Can you single out a favourite male and female artist that has inspired you throughout your journey?
Why thank you! I think I did have a lot of support along the way. Male, it would have to be John O’Callaghan. He asked me to do a demo for him in 2011 to see if I was good enough to play at his Unfold Album Launch gig in The Button Factory. Thankfully, I got the gig! He has always been there to give me a push and is definitely an inspiration. He will always be someone I will look up to. Female, well of course - Lisa Lashes! She is an inspiration to all the lady Djs! I seen Lisa play for the first time at Godskitchen in The Point. I was facinated with her presence and her technical ability on the decks. I got a fake ID and managed to get back stage into the Redbox when I was 16 to see her play. I stood beside decks in awe of her! I still am a big fan!
You have clocked up some milestone gigs all over the world, what has been your most momentous to date?
Tough question... Hmm.. I think one of the most momentous ones would have to be Trance Together at The Energy Box in London (I always talk about this gig). I had just finished playing a two hour set in the second room and I was pulled by the hand into the Main Room and was told I am playing for another hour. It was amazing, peak time and live broadcast on AH.FM. I completely forgot about the live broadcast until after I was finished. My Twitter exploded! The London crowd are amazing. Proper trance fans! Love it there! There has been of course lots of other special gigs.
What's your initial feeling once you take the stage? Do you still get nervous?
How do you mentally prepare for a big show?
I do sometimes get nervous but they are good nerves. There was a point when I first started Djing that I was sick before I went on the decks. That was in 2011! It’s all under control now lol! I think after the first mix goes well it is usually fine from there.
How important are your fans to you? How long in your own mind has it taken you to fully establish yourself as an artist or do you feel that you're not quite there yet?
The fans are great. I have some really dedicated followers who will never miss a show. It’s really nice
to know that people are following my music, radio shows and take the time out to come see me play and for that I am entirely grateful! I feel I am not quite there yet and I have a lot of work to do to get to the level where I want to be.
Before you became more prevalent in the scene, were you a clubber? What kind of scenes were you into? Was Trance always your number one preference?
Before I began to get noticed, I was a clubber (apart of me still is)! I went to gigs from the age of 15 nearly every weekend. I travelled all over Europe to go to gigs. I soon realised that my place was behind the decks.
Trance was always my number 1 preference. I do enjoy the odd bit of Techno / House etc. When I was younger I did love Hard House also. I think everyone had a bit of a Hard House phase. I never really stopped listening to Trance. Years ago, my friends would tell me to stop listening to it as I would get sick of it! How wrong were they?!
You're also renowned for your Magnetic podcasts, as well as being busy with production and then of course travelling the world to play, what kind of obstacles do you come against trying to juggle this lifestyle? How do you divide your time and what do you like to do in between?
I still work in a full time job. My weekdays are consumed with my work, then usually evenings I would spend doing my music, radio shows, and preparing for gigs. I do love to go to the gym in between. The weekends I have off then I would do my music. Sometimes, there are not enough hours during the day! I need to win the Lotto so I can quit my job and do the music full time!
You've had some really tremendous achievements, having tracks released on some great labels, you're also a regular HeavensGate radio guest, you've collaborated and played with phenomenal figures in the music scene and you've been recently signed to Music & Artist Agency What's been your biggest accomplishment to date?
I don’t know if it feels surreal. It’s only sometimes when I am at the airport going to play somewhere, I think wow cool, i’m getting to go to a different country to Dj. Signing a track to Subculture was massive for me, as I am a HUGE fan of Subculture! I think also getting signed to the Music & Artist Agency was a stepping stone for my career. So its all been great!
What kind of doors has this opportunity opened for you? How confident are you and what kind of advice would you give to someone who is ready to give up on their dreams?
I think I am a pretty confident person, as in I believe I can achieve all my dreams. You gotta Dream BIG! I got some good advice a few years back. It is all about the 3 P’s! Persistence, Production, Promotion. So I can share that bit of advice that was given to me and advise them to follow their bliss!
Honestly, I can't even imagine what you are still yet to conquer, you already have such a highly impressive resume, what are your plans for the future? Where will you be in Summer 2015? What kind of productions have you got in the pipeline?
I will be over to play in Ibiza this summer. Dates are being confirmed at the moment. I have 2 new original tracks, a remix for one of my favorite labels, and a collab underway! So, keep your eyes and ears peeled! I hope to see you on a dancefloor soon!
Words By Emma Dilemma Pic By Rara Photography

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