Page 63 - DemoZone Magazine Issue 003
P. 63

What if any Hardware do you use? Also, which DAW is your preferred choice?
Christian: We used quite a few bits of hardware, V-synth GT By Roland & Access Virus Ti are all over the Album, those two are the main 2 pieces of hardware, we also used the Korg Z1 on a couple of tracks. Software wise we used Ableton, Logic, Adobe Audition & Cubase.
And the Studio Christian where do you work?
Christian: Currently in Kildare. It’s an extension onto the back of the house.
Can either of you play a musical instrument?
Christian: “Yeah, I have been playing my Twanger for the past 30 years” But, seriously, I have played Guitar from age 12. I was taught by my uncle on a 12 string acoustic guitar.
Who makes the most changes to a track when it’s near completion?
John: I will kick this off ....The idea for a lot of the tracks would have been born out of a huge back catalogue of stuff that Christian had there as ideas, we would
have sat down for maybe 2 weeks!
I picked out a huge amount of tracks that I felt were Christian’s and mine type of sound and he agreed, then we would just go at them.
Christian would fine-tune all of the stuff! I mean when a Guy has a Masters in Sound Design from Berklee College of Music he’s going to pick up on so many different things!
I mean there has been times in the studio Christian has went “Did ye hear that and I have gone Yeah Sounds Fuckin' Great!“
I think for energy, arrangement and flow of tracks I would like to think that I have a lot of input as we both work on two different levels in the studio. Christian would be very Percussion and Groove driven!
So when something is Complete are you both in agreement “Ok that’s done!”
Christian: Lets put it this way, right up until the day before the Album was due to get mastered, at 5:00am in the morning I was still going at one of the tracks, bear in mind, we were due up for 8am that morning to go down to Limerick and at 5am; I was saying this Fuckin' thing!!
That’s what we want to be hearing!
John: I would be far more comfortable letting something go and seen what the reaction is!
Where as Christian would be a little bit more protective. As in, if its not finished doesn’t put it out.
People’s opinions are always very valuable.
Have you any advice for young budding producers who are trying to break into the scene while trying to discover their sound?
Christian: Follow your Own Path and don’t try doing what everyone else is doing, make music that moves you, on or off the dance floor! There are so many people trying to make the Next “Gecko” or next “Guy j“ Track. Those guys make music they enjoy themselves; make what’s in your heart and hopefully that will come out in the music!
John: The most difficult thing and I suppose I see it in my role here @ “The Wright Venue”, there are so many young and up & coming artists it was a lot easier for some of the older DJ’s including me to cut your teeth to a certain degree in the 90’s because the population of people was far less in the scene. To be fair the art of Djing itself was harder and you needed to invest the time into finding those hidden gems.
John O'Dwyer & Chistian Boshell have both been very active for many years on the Irish and international electronic music scene, and both have a welth of experience behind them. Us lot here at Zone, and many others across the country, admire and have been influenced by them.
After resently joining forces as "Phraktal", and compleating their debut album “Why 1 Is One And 2 is Two”, a highly original & quirky electronic album, influenced by many artists and gendres, Zone send resident journalist Gavin Duffy along to the only superclub in Dublin, The Wright Venue, for a bit of banter, about the new album and some other stuff!

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