Page 4 - EALC C306/505
P. 4

Some Abbreviations and Grammatical Terms

                   N             Noun

                   V             Verb

                   IV / TV       Intrasitive verb / Transitive verb

                   Adj           Adjective (generally used before nouns, specifying a quality: e.g., “It is a red

                   SV            Stative verb (an adjectival word that functions as a verb: e.g., “It [is] red.”)

                   Adv           Adverb (generally precedes and modifies a verb, specifying its manner of

                   AV            Auxialiary verb (used before and in coordination with a main verb, often
                                 separated from the main verb by an object)

                   CV            Coverb (used much like an auxialiary verb, but performing functions less
                                 dependent on its root meaning; a Modern Chinese example would be ba 把)

                   Prep          Preposition

                   Conj          Conjunction

                   Pron          Pronoun

                   Particle      A question or exclamatory word, often appearing at the end of the sentence.

                   Adnoun        Precedes and modifies nouns; generally a quantifier (e.g., “In all cases of . . .”)

                   Binome        A fixed two-syllable expression (often composed of a rhyming pair)

                   V-O           A binome composed of a verb-object combination

                   Measure       A quantifying word modifying a noun, generally appearing after a number

                   S-V-O         Subject, verb, object

                   Predicate     A phrase characterizing a subject

                   R+R           A compound noun whose elements combine to indicate a semantic range
                                 broader than its parts

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