Page 214 - Judgment Enforce Course_Neat
P. 214

.  i  GARY�. RllTI"ENBERG. ESQ . SBN 48590                                                  2
                    BLOOM & RUTTEN BERG                                              !;  I    L
                 2  I J 11 J  Santa Monka Blvd .. Ste.  18�0                          r.            E   D
                                                                                       .-fert  of  thn  Sr111erlnrCourt
                    Los Angeles. CA  90025-3344
                3  Telephone:    {3 I()} 444-1979                                 @J  AIJG -: 6 20111
                    Facsimile::   (3 JO) 444-19 I 7
                4  E-mail: ruttenb�rg'il�

                5  Allorn�ys for Robe.-1 :V1. Romeri. Special
                    Admin istralor


                                       SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA
                                                 FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO

                      In 1hc muller of the Estate of                 )  CASE NO.: 37-2013-00056419·1'R-PW­
               12                                                    )  CTL

               13                                                   )  ORDER GRANTING RECOVERY OF
                             l lECTOR A. REGNER also known as       )  $32�000.00 FROM DALILA FLORES
               14            HECTOR REGNER.                          )  PLUS COSTS OF S510.00
               15                                                    )
                                                       Deceased     )  DATE:         July 29. 2014
               16                                                    )  TIME:        9:30 a.m.
                                                                     )  DcPT:        PC-2
               17                                                    )  JUDGE:       Julia C. Kelt�l)'
               18            _____________ )

               I  'J

               �()           The Petition for Conveyance of Property Claimed to Belong to Decedent from Dama
               '11    Flores and for Elder Financial Abuse: by Dalila Flores ( . Petition for Conveyance·') filed by the

               22     Special Administrator .. Robert M. Romcri c·•Pctition�r"'). came on regularly for hearing on July 29.
               23     2014 at 9:J0 a.m. in O\!purlm�nl PC-2 of the above-entitled Court, the Honorable Julia C. Kelt:ly.

               24     Judge presiding.
               , -
               _::,          C iary M. Ruuenb�rg. Esq. of Bloom & Ruttenberg. attorney 1hr Petitioner. and Andrew l\·I.

               �(i    Katzenst�in. F.sq.  uf Prn:--kuucr Ro5c LLP. attorney for the Decedent's siblings. appeared by cuurl

               �7     cull.  Respondent. Dulila Flores. appeared un her uwn behalf mid-way through the hearing.  No
               �8     other parties appeared.

                    ORDER GRANTING RECOVERY OF $32.000.00 FROM DALILA Fl.ORES Pl..lJS COSTS Of S510.00,
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