Page 216 - Judgment Enforce Course_Neat
P. 216


                       ST A TE OF WISCONSIN           CIRCUIT COURT      BROWN COUNTY
                                                      BRANCHNO.  6

                      SALLY M. BAIN
                      PAULA M. SMITS,

                      v.                              PAtlL G. JANOUAAT      Case No.: 03CV1774
                                                      CL..:r :.-;  OF COURTS
                                                      8A(;VIN  COUNTY, WI    Case Code: 30301
                      LOTUS MANAGEMENT INC.,
                      LARRY HALL aka BUD RILEY,
                      LAUREN R. POOL,
                      SARA HEESA.KER,
                      KAY MARIE GEURTS,

                                                DEFAULT JUDGMENT

                            The motion of Plaintiffs, Sally M. Bain and Paula M. Smits of 26909 Williams
                      Grant Drive, De Pere, Wisconsin, for default judgment against Defendant Larry Hall, aka
                      Bud Riley, of 884 Mowit Street. St. Paul, Minnesota was presented to the
                      Honorable  J.D. McKay.

                            Defendant Larry Hall failed to appear for the final pre-trial conference after
                      receiving notice thereof.

                            IT IS ADJUDGED that Plaintiffs, Sally M. Bain and Paula M. Smits shall recover
                      from Defendant Larry Hall. the sum of$                   and costs of
                                                         19..:009;£10- .
                      sl,111)5. �  for a total judgment of$//,,  E   .3{j,

                     Dated:  /0-7-QS
                                                                        BY THE COURT;

                                                                    1 ¥F):lr�rnc.7'(a-y
                                                                       Circuit Court Judge
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