Page 74 - Judgment Enforce Course2020
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Judgment Enforcement – The Step-by-Step Course
Among other things, I use PACER for researching a debtor who has previously filed
bankruptcy. I can pull up his bankruptcy petition and see where he has worked (and might
still be working), where he banked (and still may be banking), how much he earns, who he
owed, and much more. A JD who has filed bankruptcy before the incident that resulted in a
judgment, is often a good JD to go after, because after bankruptcy all his debts are
discharged (unenforceable). Just make sure the reason for your judgment (not the
judgment itself) did not occur before the bankruptcy petition was filed.
Some people love Microbilt. I don’t. I mean, I don’t like their customer service, and I
dropped them. Also, they are pricey to me. High monthly minimum. Pricey searches, in my
I use this to double check real property only. I can find out quickly who owns the
property today (not last week) and get almost instant copies of actual documents.
Really handy when you’re not sure if you other databases are a little behind on property
Been Verified
This is at . I haven’t used it, but it has been recommended by
someone on our Forum. About $100 a year is all, and you get lots of address and phone
searches. Price is right. But the cheaper the info, the older it is. And it won’t have all that
the other bases have.
If you have feedback about it, please email me privately or on the Forum. Try it out
and let me
Locate Plus
Locate Plus is at Their locator product is fair, not great at all—some
of the data is old. And, Locate Plus does not truncate SSNs. They also claim to have the
best reverse cell phone search around. They claim a lot of things. Look up their phone
number and give them a call. Also, ask on our Forum to get any late changes from our
members. And no home inspection! But pricey.
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