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                                           HER OR ABOUT HER WORKS.

            5- a) FOLDER . (numbered “1”), titled in Alejandra Pizarnik´s hand: Notas y Artículos.
            1. Drawing in Alejandra Pizarnik´s hand. Not signed.
            2. From Cuadernos Nº 81, February, 1964. pp. 89 to pp. 92. Critics of the book Los juegos peligrosos by Olga
            Orozco, with manuscript annotations by Alejandra Pizarnik throughout. Addressed to Olga Orozco.
            3. Very extensive article in the magazine “Imagen”, Nº 26, Caracas, June,1968 Notas sobre un cuento de Julio
            Cortázar: El otro cielo by Alejandra Pizarnik. Showing her portrait.
            Plus four small clippings about books by A.Pizarnik. (César Magrini, Ives Bonnefoy, an anonymous commentary
            by a Venezuelan writer about Árbol de Diana, etc.)
            4. Comentarios críticos by A.P. dated September 1963, about the book by H.A. Murena, argeninean poet,
            Relámpagos de la duración.
            5. A very extensive critical commentary by A.P. about the book Salamandra by Octavio Paz, published in the
            magazine “Cuadernos”, Nº72, May, 1963. This commentary was published in French in the Bulletin du “Centre
            Internationale d´Etudes Poetiques” Nº 45.
            6. Extensive commentary by A.Pizarnik
            of the book Relación varia de hechos,
            hombres  y  cosas  de  estas  Indias
            Meridionales.  Selection  by  Alberto  M.
            Salas  and  Andrés  Ramón  Vazquez.
            Publisher in magazine “Cuadernos”, Nº
            89, October, 1964.
            7.  Alejandra  Pizarnik  comments  Las
            tierras  flacas  by  the  mexican  writer
            Agustín Yañez. Unidentified magazine.
            8. A very extensive commentary by A.P,
            of  Henry  Michaux´s  book  Pasajes,
            published  in  the  newspaper  “La
            República”, Caracas, 26 July. 1964.

            5-b) FOLDER 2 (not numbered): Titled
            Sobre  Árbol  de  Diana  in  Alejandra
            Pizarnik´s hand.
            1.Inedit  printed  poem  titled  Poema  in
            portuguese by A.Pizarnik. Published in
            the section Arte e Literatura Argentina
            of  the  Periodical  “Folhia  de  Minas“
            (Brazil) ; moreover in the same page we
            find  an  article  titled  “A  Jovem  poesia
            feminine”,  by  Heitor  Martins  and
            Teresinha  Alves  Pereyra.  mentioning
            A.P.  among  other  Argentinean
            important poets. n/d..
            2.  A  postcard  from  the  Revista
            Iberoamericana by the Director Alfredo
            Roggiano, stating that AÁbol de Diana
            was  one  of  the  poetry  books  with
            highest  poetical  qualities.  Plus  an

                                    Alejandra Pizarnik - An Archive
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