Page 41 - E-book (New Version)
P. 41

For SAR Floors SPC Click Floating Products

                                                                         Step 5
               Step 1
                                                               IMPORTANT! Use hammer
     Begin installation working                                and tapping block to tap
       from left to right. Insert
     spacers at ends and edg-                                 long edge of plank to en-
                                                               sure a tight fit. ANY GAP-
       es where planks meet                                    PING CAN COMPROMISE
                                                                 THE LOCKING SYSTEM!

               Step 2
      Lock short end of plank                                            Step 6
      by inserting tongue into                                  Attach a scrap piece of
     groove at an angle and                                      floor to bridge the gap
      drop in place. Continue                                   between ends of planks.
         to end of first row.

                                                                         Step 7
               Step 3
      Use leftover plank from                                    Tap end of plank with
     first row as starter for sec-                               hammer and tapping
     ond row. There must beat                                     block to lock ends of
        least 20cm between                                     planks together. Remove
     plank end joints on adja-                                  bridge and continue to-
       cent rows. FOR TILE IN-                                  wards wall until installing
       STALLATIONS: The dis-                                   the final plank in the row.
     tance between end joints                                  BE SURE TO TAP ON EDGE
     should be equal to 30cm                                    OF VINYL SO AS NOT TO
      for proper appearance.                                   DAMAGE LOCKING PRO-

               Step 4                                                    Step 8
      Lock long edge of plank                                  Use hammer and pull bar
      by inserting tongue into                                 to lock final piece in row.
      groove at an angle and                                    Insert spacer at end of
     drop in place. Slide plank                                row. Continue installation
     toward end of previously                                  to final row. Use hammer
      installed plank until the                                and pull bar to lock long
      tongue just touches the                                   edges of planks on final
              groove.                                                     row.                                 800-935-1657                       
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