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                       Monthly Newsletter of The Lutheran Church of the Shepherd King

                                                     “From Winter to Summer -- Preach the Word;
                                                       be prepared in season and out of season.”

          WHAT’S INSIDE:                                                                                                   2 Timothy 4:2
                                        A complaint I often hear from those who live   worship on
                                        in Michigan is that we often go from winter   Mother’s Day.
            2 - Upcoming Events
                                        to summer.  We go from the snow and bitter   Jesus longs to
            3 - Looking Back - Photos   cold to the heat of summer in a very short   gather us in His
            4 - Roundabout Update       time.  We want to experience mild spring   arms, as a
            5 - Preschool Update / MOPS   weather.  We want the blossoms on the trees   mother gathers
                                        to last a little longer.  We move too soon   her children.
            6 - Stewardship Article & Note   from one extreme to another in our current   On May 19, the
            7 - May Calendar &
                                        weather pattern.                       congregation
                 Worship Participants                                          will have a Vot-
                 Schedule               I could have a similar complaint for the Easter   ers’ Assembly
            8 - May Birthdays           season.   The color white may still be on the   after worship.
                  & Anniversaries       altar, but the lilies are gone.  There are no
            8 - Coffee Fellowship Schedule   more shouts of “He is Risen, He is Risen In-  During worship
                                        deed, Hallelujah.” The members and guests of  Jesus teaches the coming of the Holy Spirit to
                                        Easter quickly move on to other attractions   His disciples, so that they will never be left to
                                        and events.  There are, however, other resur-  do His work without His great power.  We
                                        rection events and conversations that need to  need to continue to hear and believe that
                                        be heard and pondered by us.           Jesus’ resurrection supplies us with every
                                                                               good gift of God.
                                        The Third Sunday of Easter is the Sunday we
                                        hear the risen Lord Jesus say, “Feed my   Don’t go from “winter to summer” regarding
              Sunday Worship:           lambs!”  How important these words are to   worship and the mission of our Lord.  Enjoy
                                        the congregation who will witness the Rite of   the spring of resurrection that we may be
            Education Hour: 8:45 a.m.   Confirmation of our youth.  Jesus comes as   renewed for every good work.
          (Sunday School, Youth, Adult)   the Good Shepherd on the Fourth Sunday of
                                        Easter to all the Mothers and families who                           ~ In Christ,  Pastor Tim
              Worship: 10:00 a.m.
             Coffee Hour: 11:15 a.m.

                                                                A New Sunday Morning Bible Study
                                             Heaven             beginning May 5th in the Fellowship

                                            and Hell                         Hall at 8:45 a.m.
                                               at the          The Detroit Institute of Arts contains a treasure trove
              OFFICE HOURS:                                    of fascinating stories of Bible events, painters, and
                                                               Christian history.

             CLOSED MONDAY                                     We will take a closer look at one painting, sculptor or arti-
             TUESDAY - FRIDAY                                  fact each week in Bible study. We will look at the history,
               11 a.m. - 5 p.m.                                image and faith lesson of each item. We will also be setting
                                                               up a “field trip” to the DIA to look at each item in person.
                                                                      Please stay tuned for more information in May.
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