Page 8 - May Crozier 2019_FlipBook
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The Crozier

            May                                                                        May

           Birthdays:                                                                  Anniversaries:

            5 - Ashley DuBois                                                            2 - John & Janet
             8 - Chick Ross                                                                    Romans  (32 yrs.)
           10 - Steve Gaucher
           13 - Bill Waak                                                                3 - Benjamin & Lisbeth
           14 - Carol Ross                                                                     Achtenberg (5 yrs.)
           18 - Mark Flessa
           21 - Katie Rockett
           25 - Mathis Chisnell
           25 - Mark Kuenzel                                                           Note:   If you do not see your
           26 - Amelie Tanasi                                                          birthday or anniversary listed, we
           28 - Nathan Sircy                  “If telemarketers call, invite                 may not have it in our records.
                                                                                       Please contact the Church Of-
           28 - Nathan Yu                                                              fice at:
           30 - Rebecca Hall                             them to church”
           30 - Julia Loesch
                                                                                       Contact the Church Office if:
                                         *  If you take a photo at SK that               A member of your family is
                                            you’d like to share with our mem-
                                            bers and friends, email it to:                admitted to the hospital, so
                                                  that visits can be made and
                                            with a brief explanation.  Our                the proper people notified.
                  Coffee Fellowship         publications are always hungry               Your home phone number,

                            Please          for randomly captured moments.                                       address or email has
                           Consider                     Thank you!                        changed, so our records can
                           Hosting.                                                       be updated.
                                                                                         You are planning to move,
                                                                                          either out-of-town or locally.
                May   5: Open             Confirmation &                                 A new baby arrives in your
                May 12: Open              Membership Classes                              family.
                May 19: Open              Junior Confirmation                            A new family moves into
                May 26: Open              Classes for first and second year students meet on   your neighborhood.
                                          Sundays at 11:30 a.m. If you have a child or know of a
                                          student you want to receive instruction in the Small     You feel the Church can
                     Pastor               Catechism, please call the church office at 248-626-       assist you.
                                          2121, or email Pastor at:

                                          Inquirer’s Class
          Rev. Timothy A. Holzerland
                                          If you know of a person who would like to learn more   The Lutheran Church
                                          about Lutheranism or become a member of Shepherd      of  the
               Music Director/Organist    King, classes meet every Sunday at 1:00 p.m. at the   Shepherd King
                                          church. Please call or email Pastor Tim at:
                                 for more information.
                   Tim Sircy                                                              5300 West Maple Road
                Worship Information      There’s a Small Group for You!                 West Bloomfield, MI 48322
                                         Sunday Small Group                                  248-626-2121
                                         Meets two Sundays a month at the West Bloom-      Fax: 248-626-0324
          Education Hour: 8:45 a.m.      field Panera at 6:00 p.m. Call Dr. Henry Maicki for
            (Sunday School, Youth        further details at 248-681-9050.
                  and Adult)
                                         Thursday Small Group                            248.626.2121
             Worship: 10:00 a.m.         This group meets twice a month on Thursday at
                                         7:30 p.m. Study: Book of Hebrews. Call Tony
            Coffee Hour: 11:15 a.m.      Pauza for further information at: 248-363-6792

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