Page 5 - May Crozier 2019_FlipBook
P. 5
THE Crozier
Shepherd King Preschool
Preschool quickly got back into the swing of our routine Preschool Director/Teacher:
after a full week of break at the start of April. Pam Hughes
Students enjoyed weekly themes including an extensive study on Easter, flowers, Preschool Assistant Director:
and we wrapped up the month celebrating SPRING! Just in time for some appro- Carey Klenke
priate spring weather to arrive!
Teacher’s Assistants:
The preschool had a wonderful time at the Easter Party where we were able to Melissa Mattson
celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus. We did several crafts, enjoyed a Donna Bazzell
meal, and read a great story about how a sweet bunny finds an empty egg, which
is the best egg ever because it represents that Jesus is no longer dead, but ALIVE! Preschool Board:
Tammy Brown,
During the month of April, we held a fundraiser in partnership with Blake’s Or- Janet Flessa,
chards. Our preschool was filled with the sights and smells of fresh cider and do-
nuts, caramel apples, pies and a variety of delicious jams and salsas. With that Rev. Timothy A. Holzerland,
fundraiser we were able to raise enough money to update our preschool dramatic Pastor
play areas with some fresh, new toys. We will probably do this fundraiser again
next year around Thanksgiving time, so be sure to pay attention so you can order
some items for your Thanksgiving meal.
During the month of May, preschool will be absorbed in investigating themes sur-
rounding the zoo, construction (so applicable right now with the construction
right outside our door), dinosaurs, summer fun, bugs and outdoor exploration. Be
sure to check out, and “like” our facebook page to see some of the daily activities
our students get to experience.
We are thrilled to report that preschool is now at licensing capacity for all availa-
ble student slots for the 2019/2020 school year. Due to this overwhelming re-
sponse, we will be growing our teaching staff. We are currently looking for addi-
tional lead and assistant preschool teachers. If you know of someone interested in
more information, please contact our director Pam Hughes at shepherdkingpre- or (248) 626-2121.
On Tuesday, June 4 , the preschool will be hosting our graduation and end of the Now
year celebration immediately followed by a delicious ice cream social. 14 of our Enrolling
wonderful students will be leaving our pre-K program, some moving to our Junior
Kindergarten program next fall and some moving on to elementary school. It is for the
such a bittersweet time for our students and staff to say goodbye to one another
for the summer. 2019-2020
We love seeing our preschool grow and our kiddos and families continue to love School Year
what is happening here at Shepherd King. Thank you for your support!
Preschool Assistant Director
MOPS - Mothers of Preschoolers
Looking to connect with other moms? Need to hear some encouraging words
and advice? Also interested in crafts, discussions and snacks? Join our MOPS
group (Mothers of Preschoolers). This year’s theme is “Find Your Fire.” We meet
the first and third Thursday of each month from 7 to 9 p.m. See the calendar
pages for upcoming schedules.
For more information contact Amber at or Noelle at