Page 3 - March news 2018
P. 3

I want to fill you in on
                                                    some of the exciting new
                                                    opportunities that will be
                                                    available to you soon.

                                                         First, we are
                                                    growing? since July 1, 2017
                                                    we have expanded our
        student body by over 20%!  For those who are just coming on
        board? Welcome.  A s always my door is always open to you. Email me at:

             In addition to growth, there are some very exciting and innovative things
        happening at CHS, which I want to share with you:
            Later this spring we will launch CHS Online and unveil our new online
        course offerings providing you the opportunity to learn completely online, or
        if you prefer, continue with your current correspondence model.

             We are making it possible to learn completely online by partnering with
        the Canvas online classroom, which contains all the digital tools and
        resources that you will need to intuitively learn in one easy place.  CHS is
        taking the classroom experience into the 21st century.

             Because the world and workplace are changing around us faster than ever
        before, Citizens? is committed to bringing you innovative educational
        improvements and opportunities to meet your ever changing learning needs
        and equipping you to compete in the modern world.
        Great catching up with you.

                                              Dr. Jim Etter
                                      Citizens' High School
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