Page 4 - March news 2018
P. 4
What's New at CHS!!
Hey everyone, my name is Brian M orris and I?m the Director of Strategic
Initiatives here at Citizens? High School. What that means, is that I come up
with fun, new and exciting ways to improve your learning experience. Early
this spring, we are going to begin introducing some new systems that we feel
will make your educational experience simpler, more efficient, and more
transparent. We have teamed up with an organization named Orbund, to
introduce a new Student Information System (SIS). I am sure you will have
a few questions about this so let me try to answer as many as I can below.
So, you may be asking, what is an SIS?
A SIS is a web-based application software designed to introduce a
structured information exchange environment for integrating students,
parents, teachers, and school administrators.
Is using a SIS new to Citizens? High School, and if so, why the change?
Citizens? High School has been using a SIS for many years now, but the
system was old and antiquated. We decided to go with a new system that
had greater functionality and can grow with Citizens? High School.
What are the benefits of the new SIS?
If I had to sum up the benefits of the new SIS in one phrase, I would say
greater control. Students and parents can now have greater control of their
enrollment and class selection. We have made the enrollment process
seamless and completely online. We will still offer students to mail in
enrollments as well. A lso, parents and students will have a simpler way to
pay and track their tuition payments, which will soon be able to be
completed all online.