Page 2 - Flipbook July Newsletter
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Quiz Winners - NursesWeek

           Congratulations to the following nurses and nurse leaders who won headphones for the
           Robin's quiz during Nurse's Week!

                      AAnnddeerrssoonn  BBoottttoommyy  --  RRNN  22,,  NNeeuurroo  IICCUU                             EEvvaa  MMoonnttggoommeerryy--LLeewwiiss  --  44  EEaasstt  MMaannaaggeerr

                           T Toopp  55  LLeeaaddeerrss                     T Toopp  55  CClliinniiccaall  RRNNss
                      Ali Grubbs – Burn Mgr
                   Hillary Sexton – SICU CSL                     Diana Dinkel – Nurse Resident, 7T3

                    Brett Young – 8 MCE CSL                         Patricia Polman – RN 3, SICU
              Megan Unfried – Cardiac Nurse Edu-                    Amy Heath – RN 3, LifeFlight
                                cator                                  Anna Spooner – RN 2, 8N
             Eva Montgomery-Lewis – 4 East Mgr                 Anderson Bottomy – RN 2, Neuro ICU

                R Reessoouurrcceess  &&  LLiinnkkss                    NNaammee  tthhiiss  NNeewwsslleetttteerr

                                                                   Name this
                             V VPPNNPPPP                       by completing the

                            R Reesseeaarrcchh                  survey and tell us
                                                               how we are doing.
                     L Leeaarrnniinngg  EExxcchhaannggee      We appreciate your

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