Page 3 - Flipbook July Newsletter
P. 3

M Myy  VVPPNNPPPP  PPrroocceessss::  JJaassoonn  WWeesstt

                 y name is Jason West and I have been at Vanderbilt for three
           Myears. I worked in our Emergency Department for a year before
           coming to work in the Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit. In February
           2020, I advanced from RN2 to RN3.  The process was more tedious
           than I anticipated, but the recognition and pay raise were both worth
           it.  I would definitely do it again and highly recommend anyone who
           is thinking about it, to get with a coach or someone who has been
           through the process and go for it.
           After I looked at the rubric and spoke to my Education Specialist, I
           thought I had all of my paperwork in order and started the submission
           process.  The process took me back to my EBP class in nursing school.
           The coaches worked with me to fill gaps in the application. We went
           through this several times until my coaches approved my application.  It took me about three months of sub-
           mitting, waiting, procrastinating, re-writing, submitting, etc.  With that being said, I am proud of myself for
           being able to weather the storm and advance to RN3.  My intent was to remain RN3 for as long as I needed
           and then apply for my RN4 but I am now abandoning that process in order to go to CRNA school starting in
           August 2020.

                          Pillar Goal - Fiscal Year - 2020

                    H Heeaalltthhccaarree  AAssssoocciiaatteedd  IInnffeeccttiioonnss     H Hoossppiittaall  AAccqquuiirreedd  CCoonnddiittiioonnss
                         HAI VUAH blue/gray                                   HAC VUAH blue/gray

                              Unit Activity                                   Falls blue/gray by unit
                                                                         Pressure injury blue/gray by unit

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