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M O U N T  F U J I  A R C H I T E C T S  S T U D I O

                            Mount Fuji Architects Studio is a design firm based in Tokyo,
                            Japan. It is established by Masahiro and Mao Harada in 2004. The
                            firm’s main focus is designing architecture, working on multi-scale
                            designs from traditional products to reconstruction planning after
                            the Tohoku Earthquake.

                            Principal Architects Masahiro Harada and Mao Harada established
                            Mount Fuji, winning the best international work for the‘Barbara
                            Cappochin Prize’.

                            It is an accomplished firm, best known for designing private
                            residences, villas, and hotels in Japan, which has links with the
                            government, and other like minded modern architectural practices
                            around the world. The firm targets to make use of traditional
                            knowledge and present with environmental schema.

                            The firm involves designing of variety of building types such as
                            institutional, public, and furniture designing based on local
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