Page 6 - 2018 Tenant Manual_Booklet
P. 6
M A I N T E N A N C E , R E P A I R S A N D
I N S P E C T I O N S . . . O H M Y !
Maintenance Inspections
Real Property Management’s goal is that you Real Property Management conducts four (4)
have a well- maintained and habitable unit that types of inspections, Initial (move-in
you can safely enjoy during the duration of your inspection), semi-annual, renewal, and move-
lease. out inspections. These inspections are not
meant to discover all maintenance issues, nor
The best way to submit any work orders is are they meant to be an invasion of privacy.
through your online portal. This is the way that Instead, these inspections are designed to
maintenance requests are to be made to Real ensure that the unit is in good condition, and to
Property Management. address concerns that you may have. You can
expect advance notification of the timing of any
Real Property Management also has a call inspection in accordance with the law and
service that can be reached 24 hours a day, terms in your lease.
seven (7) days a week.
Once a maintenance request is received, Real
Property Management prioritizes the request in S U B M I T M A I N T E N A N C E
accordance with emergencies having the
highest priority. Not everything is an R E Q U E S T S 2 4 / 7
emergency. Real Property Management
complies with the law in considering what must
If the maintenance request is not an emergency,
be fixed first so that the resident can safely live
Real Property Management coordinates
in the unit. Many laws allow a certain period of
approval and funding with the Owner to ensure
time within which repairs may be made.
that the problem is addressed properly.
Here are some common examples of
Real Property Management uses contractors
problems that are typically considered
who are insured and licensed (when required) to
perform maintenance services. All contractors
No heat during winter months are regularly monitored to ensure that quality
Loss of power or water and timeliness standards are met or exceeded.
Clogged or non-working toilet when
there is only one toilet in the unit
Security issues (damage from break For any repair, emergency or non-emergency,
ins/natural disaster) RPM, their contractors, agents, and personal all
Some legal notices from housing have the legal right to enter per the terms of
departments/city inspection your lease. If entry is refused, a $75.00
departments Cancellation fee will be added to your ledger.