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7.  Y. Shi. Animal Metamorphosis, Academic Press Inc, USA, 2013.
             8.  B.B. Buchanan, R.L. Jones. W. Gruissem. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Plants. IK Books, USA, 2007.
             9.  E.C. Pua and M. R. Davey. Plant Developmental Biology – Biotechnological Perspectives, Springer, USA, 2010.
             10.  M. Timmermans. Plant Development, Academic Press Inc, USA, 2010.
         BT7144: PHYSIOLOGY [3 1 0 4]
         Photosynthesis: Light harvesting complexes; Mechanisms of electron transport; Photoprotective mechanisms; CO fixation-C , C
                                                                                                        2        3  4
         and CAM pathways. Respiration and Photorespiration: Citric acid cycle; Plant mitochondrial electron transport and ATP synthesis.
         Nitrogen  Metabolism:  Nitrate  and  ammonium  assimilation;  Amino  acid  biosynthesis.    Plant  Hormones:  Biosynthesis,  storage,
         breakdown  and  transport;  Physiological  effects  and  mechanisms  of  action.  Sensory  Photobiology:  Structure,  function  and
         mechanisms  of  action  of  phytochromes,  Cryptochromes  and  phototropins;  Stomatal  movement;  Role  of  abscisic  acid,
         Photoperiodism and circadian rhythms. Solute Transport and Photoassimilate Translocation: Uptake, transport and translocation of
         water,  ions,  solutes  and  macromolecules  from  soil,  transpiration;  mechanisms  of  loading  and  unloading  of  photoassimilates.
         Secondary Metabolites: Biosynthesis of terpenes, phenols and nitrogenous compounds and their roles.  Stress physiology. Blood
         and  Circulation:  Blood  corpuscles,  Haemopoiesis  and  formed  elements,  Plasma  function,  Haemostasis.  Cardiovascular  System:
         Comparative anatomy of heart structure, Myogenic heart, Specialized tissue, Cardiac cycle, Blood pressure.  Respiratory System:
         Transport  and exchange  of gases.  Nervous  System:  Central  and  peripheral  nervous  system,  Neural  control of muscle  tone  and
         posture.  Sense  Organs:  Vision,  hearing  and  tactile  response.  Excretory  System:  Kidney,  Urine  formation,  Waste  elimination,
         Micturition, Regulation of water balance, Electrolyte balance. Thermoregulation. Digestive System: Digestion, Absorption, Anergy
         balance, BMR. Endocrinology and Reproduction: Endocrine glands, Basic mechanism of hormone action, Hormones and diseases;
         Heproductive processes.
             1.  W.G. Hopkins and N.P.A. Huner. An Introduction to Plant Physiology. John Willey & Sons, USA, 2008.
             2.  L. Taiz and E. Zeiger. Plant Physiology, Sinauer Associate, USA, 2010.
             3.  S.N. Pandy, B.K. Sinha. Plant Physiology, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi, 2009.
             4.  S. Nielsen. Animal Physiology, Cambridge University Press, UK, 2013.
             5.  R.W. Hill, G.A. Wyse and R. Anderson. Animal Physiology, Sinauer Associates, USA, 2012.
             6.  F.B. Salibury and C. Ross. Plant Physiology, CBS Publication, New Delhi, 2006.
             7.  P. Stewart and S. Globig. Plant Physiology, Apple Academic Press, USA, 2012.
             8.  J.E. Hall, M. Vaz, A. Kurpad and T. Raj. Guyton and Hall Text book of Medical Physiology, Elsevier, India, 2013.
             9.  D. Randall, W. Burggren, K. French. Eckert Animal physiology, W.H. Freeman & Company, USA, 2001.

         Introduction  to  environmental  biotechnology.  Bioremediation:  Aerobic  and  anaerobic  processes  for  waste  treatment.
         Biodegradation  of  hydrocarbons  and  pesticides.  Industrial  wastewater  sources  and  treatment  strategies,  Bioreactors  for  waste
         water treatment. Molecular techniques in bioremediation. Air Pollution: Bio techniques for the control of air pollution, Removal of
         chlorinated hydrocarbons from air, Biological control of air pollution. Metal Pollution: Treatment of heavy metal containing wastes,
         Microbial transformation of heavy metals. Bioleaching and Biomining. Microbiology of degradation of xenobiotic. Bio assessment of
         Environmental Quality, Bioassays for surface water pollution, Impact of pollutant and dose effect relationship, Biotechnology in
         Biodiversity  conservation.  Slurry  bioremediation,  Bioremediation  of  contaminated  ground  water  and  phytoremediation  of  soil
         metals. Biofertilizers: Biofertilizers, Biopesticides, Integrated pest management and composting. Plant derived fuels, Biogas, Landfill
         gas, Bioethanol, Biohydrogen. GEMs in environment, Artificial cell, Synthetic life.
             1.  E. Evans and J.C. Furlong. Environmental Biotechnology: Theory and Application, John Wiley and Sons., 2012.
             2.  B.C. Bhattacharya and R. Banerjee. Environmental Biotechnology, Oxford University Press, 2007.
             3.  H.J. Jordening and J. Winter. Environmental Biotechnology: Concepts and Application, Wiley-VCH Verlag, New York, 2005.
             4.  B.E. Rittmann, and P.L. Mc Carty. Environmental Biotechnology: Principles and Applications, McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2012.

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