Page 104 - Microsoft Word - NEW 2017 Standard Program.docx
P. 104

have  a  Recovery  Agent  make  contact  with  the  party  in  possession  of  the  collateral  to
                   determine the ability of that party to continue making payments.

                   The Recovery Agent’s efforts in the field should be the same as with any other assignment;
                   to resolve the account according to the lien holder’s directions. When conducting field
                   assignments, the Recovery Agent should identify himself as a representative  of  the  lien
                   holder and conduct himself with professionalism and respect toward the debtor or others
                   with  whom  he  makes  contact.  As  with  any  assignment,  the Recovery Agent must read
                   and follow all instructions. Whatever the purpose, the Recovery  Agent  should  complete
                   a  Condition  Report  and  take  digital  pictures  of  the collateral to be forwarded to the lien

                   If the collateral is not at the given address the Recovery Agent should make every attempt
                   to  determine  the  location  of  the  collateral  from  the  debtor.  If  the  debtor  cannot  be
                   contacted, the provided address must be verified as valid or invalid for future contact.

                   Conducting Face-to-Face Field Call Assignments:

                   “Hi,  I  am  (name).  Are  you  (Mr.  or  Mrs.  Debtor)?  I  represent  (creditor)  on  your
                   (collateral) and I have been instructed by (creditor) to complete a condition report and take
                   some  pictures  on  (the  collateral).  If  you  have  any  questions  I  would  be  happy  to
                   provide you the name and telephone number of the supervisor who sent me out and I
                   believe it would be in your best interests to call him/her.”

                   If the field call is being arranged by office staff, the following procedure should apply.
                   “Hello, is this (Mr. or Mrs. Debtor)? This is (name of office staff employee). I  represent
                   (creditor) and I have been instructed by (creditor) to have one of our staff to  come out
                   and complete a condition report and take pictures of the (collateral). I show your
                   address as (given address) and I wanted to confirm that this is the correct address where
                   we can complete this assignment for (creditor). If you have any questions, I can give
                   you the name and telephone number of the supervisor at (creditor). What would be a
                   good time for us to get this done?”

                   In completing a condition report it is important to remember that this is done to provide
                   the  creditor  with  an  overall  evaluation  of  the  collateral.  Be  sure  to  include  the
                   odometer reading, color of collateral, tag number and comments that would further
                   clarify the running or cosmetic conditions of the collateral.

                   Do  not  enter  the  debtor’s  residence.  If  the  debtor  wants  to  speak  to  the  creditor,
                   allow them  to  use  your  cell  phone.  If  the  debtor  refuses,  document  the  refusal  so  the
                   client is aware of your efforts.
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