Page 105 - Microsoft Word - NEW 2017 Standard Program.docx
P. 105

It is also important when speaking with the debtor to attempt to update the debtor’s
                   address,  telephone  number,  place  of  employment,  position  held  and  work  phone
                   number. If the debtor will not cooperate, be sure this is documented in your report. All
                   documentation  should  be  in  detail  so  that  the  creditor  is  made  completely  aware  of
                   your efforts.

                   When making contact at the given address, be sure to confirm that the person you
                   are speaking with is the debtor. If the person you are speaking with is not the debtor
                   but confirms that this is the debtor’s current address, do not discuss the reason that
                   you are there. Simply give the person your business card and advise him/her that it is
                   very important that the debtor contact your office. If the person you are speaking with is a
                   co-signer, you may discuss the reason you are there.  Your business card should not
                   indicate that you are in the repossession business.

                   When  working  field  call  assignments,  it  is  important  to  make  every  effort  to  either
                   complete the call by making contact with the debtor or co-signer or verify that the  given
                   information on the assignment is no longer accurate and that the debtor (or co-signer) is
                   no longer in your service area.

                   If the collateral is located in a body shop or impound yard, the client usually wants to
                   determine the collateral’s overall condition and value and whether it is worth securing.
                   The assignment will direct the Recovery Agent to proceed to the location of the collateral,
                   complete a condition report and take pictures (digital, if possible). When the completed
                   documents  and  pictures  are  forwarded  to  the  client,  the  field  call  has  been completed.

                   A  field  call  assignment  should  be  completed  on  the  first  run  with  the  Recovery
                   Agent completing the assignment according to the instructions, or by gathering as
                   much information as possible so that the client is satisfied that the assignment was
                   completed to the greatest degree possible.

                   Delinquency Interview Assignments:
                   Clients may issue Field Call Assignments for several reasons and the assignment  should
                   be  specific  as  to  the  reason  for  the  field  call.  Field  calls  may  involve  simply  door-
                   knocking (face-to-face contact) to verify a debtor’s address or place of employment (POE),
                   to take pictures or to complete a condition report on the collateral.
                   The assignment may also request that the Recovery Agent demand delinquent  payments
                   from the debtor. If such request is made, the creditor should be made aware that
                   such  action  (the  collection  of  debts),  according  to  interpretation  of  the  Fair  Debt
                   Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), may make the Recovery Agent a “third-party
                   debt collector”  and  thereby  subjects  the  Recovery  Agent,  the  Recovery  Agency
                   owner and the creditor to the entire FDCPA. Of course, in those states that  require
                   Recovery Agency to be licensed as a collection agency, the Recovery Agent, his employer,
                   and the creditor are automatically subject to the entire FDCPA.
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