Page 22 - CambridgeLookingBackNeat
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      Hospital                                 as its secretary, dispenser, admitting

                                               and discharging official, treasurer and
      continues                                housekeeper. As a trained nurse, Gibson
                                               also acted as head nurse and utilized the
                                               assistance  of  two  student  nurses  and  a
      to create a                              caretaker to conduct duties. Not surprisingly,
                                               she resigned within five years.
                                               However, according to a local historian
      healthier                                quoted in the 2018 Record article, Gibson’s
                                               contribution helped establish the Galt
      community                                Hospital as a reputable and dependable
                                               institution. Under her  watch,  hospital use
                                               had greatly multiplied, and expansion plans
                                               were underway resulting in a new wing
                                               opening a year after she resigned. A nurses’
       Reliable and accessible                 cottage was built on the grounds in 1900
       healthcare is a key component to        and a new X-ray room opened in 1918.
       growing a vibrant community.            In  1920,  a full  nurses’  residence  with  27
       Since making the move to its current    rooms was built to replace the original
                                               cottage and was named the Hugh McCulloch
       location on Coronation Boulevard in the   Memorial Home to recognize his key role
       early 1950s, Cambridge Memorial Hospital   as a partner in Goldie & McCulloch, for
       (formerly  known   until  Cambridge’s   establishing the hospital. When he died in
       amalgamation in 1973 as South Waterloo   1910, the nurses’ residence was largely paid
       Memorial Hospital) has undergone many   for by his adult children. The Galt Hospital
       enhancements to provide top-notch care to   provided hands-on education to 216 nursing
       make the community an even better place   graduates before its training program ended
       to work and live.                       in 1932.
       It’s hard to imagine when the Galt      However, as the population grew so did the
       Hospital opened in 1890 on a five-acre   demands on the hospital and it became quite
       site on Sprague’s Road (later named St.   clear according to a passage from a book on
       Andrew’s Street), local healthcare was   Cambridge written by University of Waterloo
       not a top priority. According to an article   history professor Kenneth McLaughlin.  The original 200-acre site was owned             THE CITY OF CAMBRIDGE ARCHIVES PHOTO
       in the  Waterloo Record published in 2018   He described the post-Second World War  by Andrew Groff, a Pennsylvania-
       chronicling the hospital’s history, the   situation at Galt Hospital: “Crowded corners,  Mennonite, who erected a grist mill,
       mandate of most hospitals in the province   inadequate equipment and antiquated  distillery, sawmill, and tavern and
       at that time was to look after ‘charity cases’,   facilities in desperate need of replacement.  became quite wealthy.
       and the transformation to provide better   Pediatrics  section so  crammed  that  one
       medical care thanks to new techniques and   could hardly walk between beds… flowers   Ontario’s former Lieutenant-Governor,
       treatments was gathering momentum when   for new mothers frowned up because of a   Louis O. Breithaupt, was on hand to
       Galt Hospital opened.                   lack of space.”                       officially  cut  the  ribbon  of  the  new
                                                                                     health facility in August 1953 to serve
       The Galt Hospital Trust (GHT) was formed to   Plans for a new hospital fell into place  the  growing  communities  of  Galt,
       oversee the creation of a hospital. Thanks to   following the Second World War. According  Preston and Hesepler. Its former
       the donation of that five-acre site purchased   to the  Record article, while Preston and  home in Galt became the Salvation
       and donated by the Goldie & McCulloch   Hespeler both erected memorial arenas  Army Eventide nursing home until
       foundry, a forerunner to Babcock & Wilcox,   to commemorate the sacrifices made by  1988 before it was demolished in
       the notion of having a local hospital became   Canadian soldiers, Galt chose instead to  1992, leaving the site now to be partly
       feasible. The GHT helped make it a reality   construct the new South Waterloo Memorial  occupied by St. Andrew’s Terrace, a
       by canvassing local businesses and raised   Hospital. With combined contributions  long-term care residence.
       more than $5,000 to construct the three-  between  all  three  communities,  the
       storey stone building which offered a great   township and county, a site along the   Around the time its named was changed
       view from atop Galt’s west escarpment.  Galt-Preston highway (now Coronation   to Cambridge Memorial Hospital
       The job of running the new hospital     Boulevard) already occupied in part by the   (CMH) in the early 1970s, the hospital
       was bestowed on Elizabeth Gibson, who   Galt Country Club, was purchased.     underwent its first major expansion
       became its first superintendent as well                                       when  the  Wing  B  patient  care  facility
                                                                                     was built.

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