Page 23 - CambridgeLookingBackNeat
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More upgrades would follow to meet the  two other hospitals back in 2000 in the  process of expanding its 50-year-old Wing
       needs of Cambridge, including a major  ‘One Voice, One Vision’ campaign, local  B. “We are more than a hospital,” said
       upgrade to its birthing unit in 1994.   healthcare has never been ‘healthier’.   Gaskin, referring to the transition CMH
       But it hasn’t been an easy road and in the  “A strong community requires great   continues to undergo. “We’re really part of
       late 1990s and early 2000s CMH was mired  infrastructure, great education, great   the fabric of the community in many ways.”
       down in political wrangling and operational  healthcare and great businesses,” said  That will become even more apparent as
       turmoil, to the point where the Ministry of  Cambridge Memorial Hospital CEO Patrick  CMH continues to move forward with its
       Health and Long-Term  Care  appointed  a  Gaskin, who took on the role in 2009, in a  new five-year strategic plan. Approved
       supervisor to oversee its operations.  recent interview with the Chamber. “They  last year, the plan identifies five strategic
       However, through  it  all  the  community’s   all need to be ‘firing’ and working together.  ‘pillars’, among them finance, community
       support of CMH never wavered and     It’s symbiotic that we rely on each other in  health and partnerships, as well as
       thanks to many successful fundraising   order to create an amazing community.”  advance care equity.
       campaigns organized by the Cambridge  The  opening  of   the  long-awaited
       Memorial Hospital Foundation, including   250,000-square-foot  Wing  A  patient
       its $10 million ‘WeCareCMH’ initiative and   care tower in January 2020 was a major
       its partnership with Waterloo Region’s  milestone for CMH, which is now in the
                                                  CMH Timeline

                     1973                          1988                      2014                    2021

          The South Waterloo Memorial Hospital,   CMH comes into conflict with   In September Ontario’s former   The CMH Foundation
          named in memory of the armed forces   the Ontario Ministry of Health   Minister of Health and Long   successfully completes its $10
          that fell in the Second World War, changes   regarding continuing deficits.   Term Care Dr. Eric Hoskins is   million WeCareCMH campaign
          its name to Cambridge Memorial Hospital   Cambridge residents rally their   on hand with various officials   in January.
          (CMH) following the amalgamation.  support for CMH.         to break ground on CMH’s long
                                                                      awaited new 250,000 square
                                                                      foot patient tower.

                                                                                          CMH PHOTO

        Chamber has been here for the community...

        The Cambridge Chamber of Commerce has played an active role in fostering prosperity in
        this community by supporting local business. The Chamber has also played an active role
        in many events and initiatives in the past 50 years. To name just a few:

        Toyota              Grand River Flood 1974
        Looking for a way to                                Professional Theatre
        promote the ongoing   Chamber President, the late Don Faichney,   What began as a tourism committee meeting in the
        success of the Toyota   jumped into action when warned by the GRCA   early 2000s organized by the Chamber, sparked a
        Motor Manufacturing   about potential flooding downtown and began   push to bring live professional theatre to downtown
        Canada plant in     calling businesses to warn them about the   Cambridge resulting in the end of the opening of
        Cambridge, the Chamber   impending disaster.        the Hamilton Family Theatre (formerly known as the
        formed a partnership                                Dunfield Theatre) in the spring of 2013 with Drayton
        with the automotive                                 Entertainment’s production of Mary Poppins.
        giant in creating public   Business & Tourism
        Plant Tours which began
        in the fall of 2003. The   In 1998, plans were unveiled for a new facility   Education
        tours, which operate out   to be called the Cambridge Visitor and Business
        of the TMMC Experience   Gateway on Hespeler Road at Highway 401.   The Chamber was instrumental when a plan surfaced to bring the University of Waterloo
        Centre, are being offered   In June of 2001, the new $1.2 million Gateway   School of Architecture to downtown Cambridge by bringing together a team of business
        once again after being   Centre officially opened to provide space for   leaders – known as the ‘Cambridge Consortium’ – to make it happen. The school opened
        sidetracked by the   the Chamber and Cambridge Tourism.   in the fall of 2004.
        pandemic.                                                                       Summer 2023   23
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