Page 32 - INSIGHT MAGAZINE_October 2024
P. 32


      Updating a strategic plan shouldn’t be a chore

      In the competitive landscape of modern
      business, having a strategic plan is
      essential for long-term success.
      A strategic plan serves as a roadmap, guiding
      an  organization  toward  its  goals  and  ensuring
      that every action taken is aligned with its overall
      vision, mission, and core values, which are
      foundational to all subsequent planning and
      decision-making processes.
      By defining these elements, an organization can
      ensure that all employees are working cohesively
      towards the same objectives. This unified focus
      prevents efforts from being scattered and
      ensures that resources are allocated efficiently.
      But determining when the right time is for an
      organization to review and update its strategic
      plan is something that leadership should always
      keep in mind, suggests Peter Wright, President   Plan should focus on the future  Alignment and Communication: Regular
      of The Planning Group.                     A strategic plan is not just a document but   reviews ensure that all stakeholders,
      “If you have a strategy that you’re going to   a vital tool that guides an organization   including employees, management, and
      grow in this particular direction and all of a   toward its future goals. It provides   investors, are aligned with the strategic
      sudden the world around you is changing from   direction  and focus, enables proactive   direction of the company.
      a competitive perspective, then you need to be   management, ensures efficient resource   Competitive Advantage:
      able to adapt to that,” he says. “A strategic plan   allocation,  facilitates  performance  Regularly reviewing and updating the
      really never lasts for more than three years.”  measurement,  boosts  employee  strategic plan allows a business to
      Peter recommends never leaving a plan ‘on   engagement, and secures a competitive   capitalize on new opportunities and
      the shelf’ during that time, and depending on   advantage. For any organization aiming   maintain a competitive edge.
      the industry, supports a refresh within at least   for sustained success, investing time   Innovation and Improvement:
      a year, followed by a performance review on a   and effort into developing or updating   The review process provides an
      quarterly basis.                           a comprehensive strategic plan is   opportunity  to incorporate  new ideas,
                                                 indispensable  and  doesn’t  have  to  be   technologies, and best practices into
      Planning establishes benchmarks            an insurmountable task, says Peter.  the strategic plan.
      A good strategic plan also establishes     Reviewing a strategic plan is
      benchmarks and key performance indicators                                      Financial Health:
      (KPIs) that are essential for measuring    crucial for a business due to       Strategic reviews often include financial
                                                                                     performance assessments, ensuring
      progress. By setting specific, measurable goals,   several key reasons:        that the business is on track to meet its
      organizations can track their performance over   Adapting to Changes in the External
      time and make informed adjustments as needed.   Environment:                   financial goals and can make necessary
                                                                                     adjustments to improve profitability
      This continuous evaluation process ensures that   Regular reviews ensure that the strategic
      the organization remains on track to achieve its   plan remains relevant and aligned with   and sustainability.
      long-term objectives and can respond swiftly to   external changes.            Stakeholder Confidence:
      any deviations.                            Monitoring Progress and Performance:   Demonstrating  a  commitment  to
      Organizations that operate without a strategic   Reviewing the strategic plan allows a   regular strategic planning reviews can
      plan often find themselves reacting to changes   business to assess its progress against   build confidence among investors,
                                                                                     partners, and customers, showcasing
      and challenges as they arise. This reactive   its goals and objectives.        the business's dedication to strategic
      approach can lead to hasty decisions that may
      not align with long-term goals. Conversely,   Risk Management:                 growth and stability.
                                                 By continually evaluating the strategic
      a strategic plan allows an organization to                                     Employee Engagement and Motivation:
      anticipate changes, identify potential obstacles,   plan,  a  business  can  identify  and   Involving employees  in  the review
                                                 mitigate potential risks. This proactive
      and develop strategies to mitigate risks. This   approach  helps  in  avoiding  or  process can increase their engagement
      proactive stance enables businesses to navigate                                and motivation, as they see how their
      uncertainties with confidence and agility.  minimizing disruptions.            efforts contribute to the overall success
                                                                                     of the business.

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