Page 3 - Nature Medicine Brochure
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Humans have developed over time to thrive in green
geo-environments. When nature is absent from daily
life, our health suffers. Although we live in a
developing technological world, with many benefits,
bringing nature back into our lives can have a
profound impact on our health and well-being.
“Your health and well-being is important to you and
• Decreased illness, disease, and symptoms
us in the heathcare field. If you have any questions
• Improved immune system
or concerns, you can always contact Dr. Bilstrom at
• Decreased anxiety/nervousness
Bingham Memorial Hospital or speak with your
• Decreased stress hormones
primary care provider. Be creative and find new
• Increased self-control and awareness
• A well-center
ways of including nature in your life. Then enjoy theed psyche, good mood
• Weight control
benefits that it can have on your health and healing!
• Improved quality of life
Please remember that your body is always ready to
heal, it just needs to be given a chance.” HEALTH
-David Bilstrom, MD
through nature
Bingham Memorial Hospital Bingham Memorial Hospital
International Autoimmune Institute International Autoimmune Institute
and Center for Functional Medicine and Center for Functional Medicine
Blackfoot, ID 83221
Phone: (208) 782.2444 David Bilstrom, MD