Page 3 - Nature Medicine Brochure
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     Humans have developed over time to thrive in green
    geo-environments. When nature is absent from daily
        life, our health suffers. Although we live in a
     developing technological world, with many benefits,
        bringing nature back into our lives can have a
       profound impact on our health and well-being.

 “Your health and well-being is important to you and
       • Decreased illness, disease, and symptoms
 us in the heathcare field. If you have any questions
       • Improved immune system
 or concerns, you can always contact Dr. Bilstrom at
       • Decreased anxiety/nervousness
 Bingham Memorial Hospital or speak with your
       • Decreased stress hormones
  primary care provider. Be creative and find new
       • Increased self-control and awareness
       • A well-center
 ways of including nature in your life. Then enjoy theed psyche, good mood
       • Weight control
 benefits that it can have on your health and healing!
       • Improved quality of life
 Please remember that your body is always ready to
 heal, it just needs to be given a chance.”  HEALTH

                                            -David Bilstrom, MD
                                    &  HEALING

                                    through nature

 Bingham Memorial Hospital          Bingham Memorial Hospital
 International Autoimmune Institute  International Autoimmune Institute
 and Center for Functional Medicine  and Center for Functional Medicine

  Blackfoot, ID 83221
 Phone: (208) 782.2444               David Bilstrom, MD
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